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Gone girl

By OwndPattie - 20/11/2022 02:00

Today, after I grounded my barely 18 year-old daughter for having sex with her boyfriend when I found a pack of condoms in her room while cleaning it, she responded by moving out and eloping with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 323
You deserved it 3 083

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An 18 year old adult using condoms sounds pretty responsible. Grounding a responsible adult sounds childish.

She's an adult having safe sex with her lover, you shouldn't ground her for that.


She's an adult having safe sex with her lover, you shouldn't ground her for that.

An 18 year old adult using condoms sounds pretty responsible. Grounding a responsible adult sounds childish.

Hey, OP, you remember the other day at the office when you asked me what the most epic backfire of all time was? It was this.

clumzrino 8

Looking out for your kids doesn’t mean they’ll always listen. Don’t close the door on her

It seems OP “forgot” that 18 (barely or not) is legally an adult… I am betting that OP also “forgot” what life was like when they were 18 or they either had a very sheltered life or a very wild one that caused their reaction. OP as your children grow up, you have to recognize that they will have their own lives that that choose. It may be more or less like yours, but it’s theirs to live, not yours to dictate… As others have said, Daughter was being responsible, and still is, by the way. You need to let go of your image of your daughter as a little child and learn to deal with things as they are.

You 100% deserve it. You should be happy she at least practiced responsibility via contraception. What are you gonna do? Seal her vaginal opening shut with gorilla glue? She's a human being that desires sex like the rest of the adult population I understand that you want to protect your daughter but she has rights of her own. Apologize to her when you get the opportunity.

At least you taught her a lesson she won't soon forget! Now you can ground her AND her husband.

How dare she be a legal adult making a responsible health decision by using condoms. What a monster.

18 is an adult. I would have moved out immediately also

Vesi 29

OK.. there are a few questions I have here.. 1. WHY are you cleaning her room? 2. How did you find the condoms? I'm betting they were put in a drawer or somewhere private and you were actually snooping. 3. What made you think she was not sexually active? 4. WHY are you mad that she was having sex to begin with? The young lady clearly shows she is taking precautions to prevent unwanted pregnancies by using contraceptives. I'm not at all surprised she eloped and you are fully to blame for going in where you did not belong, invading her privacy and trying to force insanely stupid rules on a young adult that is clearly thinking about her choices and how to protect herself.