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By Unknowingly abused - 19/11/2022 21:00 - United States

Today, and almost every day, I find out that something "mean" or morally questionable my parents used to do to me when I was a kid is actually considered abusive. I've now come to the conclusion that I was a victim of pretty much every type of abuse (except for the physical kind) during my childhood. FML
I agree, your life sucks 996
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know how you feel, bud. I'm still going through the same thing at my age at this moment. It's rough... The most I can recommend is practicing: Therapy for your mental wounds A clean diet Exercise Interacting with positive people and others that can relate I hope you get well soon. You survived, now thrive!!

When it’s not physical abuse or outright screaming/demeaning/obvious verbal abuse, it’s hard. When you’re a kid parents set the expectation for what’s normal and it can take a really long time to figure out what isn’t okay. I went through it, and I’m still recovering at 32. It’s a slow process, but it gets better.


I know how you feel, bud. I'm still going through the same thing at my age at this moment. It's rough... The most I can recommend is practicing: Therapy for your mental wounds A clean diet Exercise Interacting with positive people and others that can relate I hope you get well soon. You survived, now thrive!!

When it’s not physical abuse or outright screaming/demeaning/obvious verbal abuse, it’s hard. When you’re a kid parents set the expectation for what’s normal and it can take a really long time to figure out what isn’t okay. I went through it, and I’m still recovering at 32. It’s a slow process, but it gets better.

OP may very well have a good point. Perhaps their family was really that bad… And perhaps OP is expecting that their family should have been perfect and OP has no responsibility for their present feelings and situation… The truth is that hearing only one side, and a very limited version at that, it’s simply impossible for someone else outside the situation to know the truth… OP, there is no way-back machine. Neither you nor your parents can change what is past. All you can do is to go forward from where you are. Furthermore you have little chance of changing anyone but yourself. I urge you to seek professional counseling to deal with whatever you are having to deal with. If your family is truly irredeemably awful, then you have to find your own support and make your own way…

Yeah! "Chores?!?!" Am I right? What was that bullshit? Indentured servitude, more like it. I oughta sue my mom for reparations. Glad you dredged this up!