Graveyard remix

By Jacky-Boy - 07/08/2009 00:22 - United Kingdom

Today, I was playing songs at a funeral in my church. As the organ wasn't in tune I had to use an electronic piano instead. All was going well until in the end of a speech, I accidentally hit the 'demo' button. None of the grieving relatives were impressed by my drum beats and turntable scratches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 588
You deserved it 7 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Party at the funeral! makes me think of the music video of helena by MCR

yikes12345 0

well... maybe the deceased would have liked the drum beats and turntable scratches....


I hope keyboard cat made a cameo appearance to play you off.

"When your grandfather died, was he as SICK as these BEATS?!"

Fail_Pig 0

this has to be one of the funniest fmls I've read!!! thanks for the great laugh haha

at least it didnt start playing another one bites the dust lol

lmao this is a funny FML! if i was in the crowd with the family i don't know whether i'd be like "WTF?" or "i feel relieved to hear not so sad music"

wtf? he deserves it for playing a piano? get a life. FYL for having nothing better to do then go on and give out phony YDI's. sorry if that was rude, but as a fellow piano player... YDI

yea that happened to me during a school concert. thank god. the orchestra was loud enough to cover the damage. :)