Great date, thanks!

By Anonymous - 28/03/2009 18:50 - United States

Today, I was on a first date with a girl at the movies. Trying to be polite, I held in a fart until an intense, loud action scene came on. As soon as I let go, the scene went silent and my fart was clearly heard to everyone in the movie theatre. My date went to the bathroom. She didn't come back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 982
You deserved it 83 989

Same thing different taste

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HAHA wow that totally sucks for you. shes kinda a bitch for doing that though, its human nature first comment: victory =)

wow.. i would have stayed.. and laughed. everyone farts. I know she does too

albert17 0

what are you talking about, girls can't fart

I laughed so hard when I read this! ya #2 s right though. you should have walked out of the theater to do it. g

Lol, why didnt you just go to the bathroom?

He didn't rly even have to go all the way to the bathroom. He cud have just walked out of the theater, farted, fanned the gas away from his butt and walked right back in. I've done that many times b4 to keep the "girls don't fart" illusion alive. lol

missbadluk 0

That's what I was wondering. Simple solution. Derrr

#2 is shoulda just gone to the bathroom, dude and haha #2. that means poo. lol

niiiiiiiiice and #2 am totally agreeing with you

I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now THAT'S an FML.

FuckMyLife132 0

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yeahreally 6

i was about to say that same thing as #2...common sense i would hope

Warcry21 1

ahahahaha akward... u gotta work on ur timing ur farts

ROFL. that sucks. (You should've gone to the bathroom before it happened!)