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By tmac05 - 13/11/2010 05:13 - United States

Today, the waiter farted while I was on a date. My date thought it was me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 847
You deserved it 3 014

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

So what? People fart. If your date was that bothered by a natural body function, you need to find someone more grown up to go out with.

DrDoofenshmirtz 0

Waiter: ... *farts* Boyfriend: WHY DID YOU DO THAT, (Girlfriend's name) Girlfriend: IT WASN'T ME IT WAS THE DAMN WAITER! Boyfriend: DON'T BLAME THE WAITER! That's it, this date is over. *leaves* Waiter: ... sucker.


honeybee366 0

maybe it was her, and she was trying to play it off?

funzcpl 0

your #1 your #1 your #1 wooooooohoooooo! you did it. gotta be quick to be the 1st one posted!

flipflipflipidel 0

i love your profile pic, it's always sunny in philadelphia(: hahaha,

WillDaBeast83 0

Oooooo I get it, maybe is all flipped around because your username says flip.

It would be funny if it was a person at another table that farted, and the waiter thought it was OP's date. Then everyone would think it's wach other. Like rock, paper, scissors.

ha ha the op got crop dusted by the waiter lol when I worked the food industry we would "crop dust" tables of ppl we didn't like ha ha

qsdmlkj 0

OP, why didn't you just say that it wasn't you? You've been in a human conversation before, haven't you?

Yes because no one has ever lied tried pinning the fart blame on another person or the dog. lol

gusgus36 5

she ought to give you benefit of the doubt and believe you. and even if she's convinced it was you, unless she's really shallow it wouldn't be enough reason to not go out on a second date

funzcpl 0

lmao! that's unfortunate. but funny as hell.

He was standing next to u when he farted?? :| The waiter actually farted you??? OMG that is FML.However if your date thinks it was you,u can tell her/him the truth and if she/he doesn't believe you,whatever what else can u do?The tragedy is the fart.

Hahaha - it sucks that the waiter farted but it's not that big a deal that he thought it was you. Just roll with it, be silly and make jokes (while telling him the truth about the fart's origin). That'll show you're cool and not super sensitive! :)

So you just say "bet you can't beat that one!" And start a farting contest until everyone else gets digusted and leaves and you get the restaraunt to yourselves then you can make love in the freezer. This usaully works for me.

KingDingALing 9

I wanna fart in your eye.. maybe that'll open em so you don't look all depressed

22. I'm going to sound like a stalker, but P.S means post script. :) I know, I read your profile info...sorry about that, I just wanted to see a bigger picture of your user's sexy ahaha. ;) Btw fml for 44 unpublished fmls.