Great prank guys, love it

By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 00:12 - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, after working like a caffeine-fuelled thunderstorm for 9 hours straight on an art project, my 2 friends informed me that it was due next week. I slept for 10 hours, and then went to my class without my project, thinking I lucked out in the long run. Clearly not, as it was due today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 200
You deserved it 4 039

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Considering the fact that your friends never double checked to see when the project was really due, I think you should consider if they are really worth calling "friends."

Trust your gut next time, OP. I hope that you were able to submit it nonetheless


Considering the fact that your friends never double checked to see when the project was really due, I think you should consider if they are really worth calling "friends."

Really, you can't place all the blame on your friends, because you are the one who waited until the last minute to do it.

Wow wow why though, people make mistakes! Jesus Christ why does everyone say to leave their friends for one single mistake, calm down

That "one single mistake" could cost them their grade. I want friends I can rely on, not friends I can't trust.

megs925 16

Or..maybe OP shouldn't have waited until the last minute and double checked the due date.

Trust your gut next time, OP. I hope that you were able to submit it nonetheless

I'm hoping they made a mistake, because if they didn't, they're huge assholes and not worthy to be called friends.

rag97 6

Paint your next art work with their bloods!!

Whoa there, Genghis Khan. Calm it down.

Or you could just short sheet them, but you know, same same.

I just have to say that I love that phrase "caffeine fuelled thunderstorm". Must use that from now on. Anyhow you have shitty "friends" OP and may want to reconsider labelling them that.

If it was completed anyways, bringing it to turn in early is never a bad thing.

rag97 6

You carry assignments a week before they're due?

With art projects, a lot of people like to spend any extra time they have "perfecting" it. I've turned in stuff early, only to be disappointed in the grade I received because I felt I could have done better if I had just spent more time.

Unless it was a mistake on their part, I would reconsider calling them "friends".

I'd just like to know why this is categorised under "intimacy"

Maybe the project was a nude self portrait or an erotic sculpture ... Or perhaps the OP had to get intimate with the teacher to get an extension. On the project.