By Anomaly - 03/03/2015 02:43 - United States - Trenton
Same thing different taste
Runner up
By milamadeleine243 - 22/10/2020 14:00
Great prank guys, love it
By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 00:12 - United States - Yorktown Heights
By WhyIHateTeachers - 25/06/2015 03:49 - United States - Ormond Beach
By Fuck off, teacher - 17/03/2024 06:00 - United States
By I'm donnnneeee - 21/09/2015 03:26 - United States - Slidell
By TeachingSucks - 17/05/2023 11:00 - United States - Cabot
Drunk with power
By fannylover - 18/02/2010 20:12 - United States
By dealtit - 30/07/2014 03:49 - United States - Toccoa
By Ifuckdup - 25/05/2017 00:00
By "Anti_Sora" - 24/03/2019 18:00
Top comments
Some people work better under pressure OP, or maybe you just do shitty work. Don't worry about other peoples grades, just improve yours.
Thanks for letting us know we would've never figured it's not like we're on FML or anything
You sucks!
Some people are just better "Under Pressure."
Lol it's true (sometimes). A classmate once reminded me of a mid-term exam I'd forgotten about which was in 3 hours. I studied like a mad woman in those few hours and got a B+. She studied a whole week and got a C. Definitely don't recommend doing that on purpose though lol.
My school work always ended up better when I did it last minute than when I gave myself time.
I wish I was gifted like that! When I was in Uni there was this guy in our class who never, EVER studied but the day of the test he'd read his notes and managed a B average. I just didn't get it but it works. Putting in effort right before time is out makes recall easier and actually accomplishing something happen because there is no more time- it's do or die.
Tbh that's actually really impressive.
What if OP just made a really bad grade?
Maybe they had more determination than(*) you
That's how it is... just face it, some people do stuff better by just thinking something out in crisis
What kind of project was it? I can't really see someone doing it that fast, unless maybe they had already done the research and they were just putting it together?
It was probably that, or the project only needed as much research as you could get from ghe textbook. This was probably one of the simpler kinds of projects. Anything more complex would have been started the night before or earlier that morning.

Tbh that's actually really impressive.
Talk about last minute...