Gun nut

By missbrit - 04/02/2011 07:59 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend got a new rifle. He forced me to watch him stripping it, oiling it, and sliding things into its barrel. We then watched 'Enemy at the Gates'. I basically endured 4 hours of gun porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 311
You deserved it 8 265

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You're just jealous that it wasn't you getting stripped, oiled and having things slid into your "barrel."


JohnnyGraves 12

The sex scene in that movie was kinda hot though...

Enemy at the gates is an amazing film! I accept no other argument.

There's nothing like the feeling of slamming a long silver bullet into a well greased chamber.

What strange alien planet do you live on? Guns require a license (fairly easy to get just costly), other than that they are perfectly legal in the UK.

Rammer3500 23

Well thats what you do with a new firearm...