
By poolgirl789 - 03/09/2013 06:30 - United Kingdom - Bradford

Today, I had to feed an elderly man in the care home in which I work while he was whacking off. Our work policy states that I have to pretend not to notice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 771
You deserved it 4 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't wait to reach old age, I can do anything I want ;)

crazytwinsmom 25

I would think he'd be able to feed himself if he can whack off.


Brenna19 5

This should not been posted that is confidential and you can't talk about your work outside of work

As a CNA, while yes you do have to pretend not to notice those things they are still meant to be done in private. If a resident is unable to control themselves then that is different. But you are allowed to politely excuse yourself and return later if the resident is in no harm or fall risk danger.