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Happy Caturday!

By misfitunfit - 11/11/2015 01:24 - United States

Today, while changing the litter in the cat box, the brand new carton ripped open, spilling all twelve pounds of cat litter over my kitchen floor. Both cats promptly rushed over and began frantically urinating all over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 133
You deserved it 2 697

misfitunfit tells us more.

misfitunfit 21

OP here. The carton of new litter was in the kitchen with the rest of the groceries I had brought in. Litter box is in the laundry room off the kitchen and it broke on the way there. woops!

Top comments

Sorry OP but that is hilarious... at least it wasn't a carpet though.

Hey. They're trained at least. They went on what they knew was their bathroom material and not, say, an expensive article of clothing or electronic.


xjon1600 17

Sorry to hear that op. Cleaning that up will be like herding cats

xChaos 29

Well that took a turn for the worse. Your cats are really territorial

zeffra13 31

Nah, cats just love fresh litter. Especially with multiple cats, they hate a used litter box.

We're did you get your cat whispering degree, mister?

I had a cat get so excited for a new litter box that he just started peeing as I sat it down. no litter in it. not spraying either. he's my finicky cat. has to have a spotless clean litterbox.

29, Look at the box color and if they filled out their profile enough you will know if they are a sir or a miss

Sorry OP but that is hilarious... at least it wasn't a carpet though.

Hey. They're trained at least. They went on what they knew was their bathroom material and not, say, an expensive article of clothing or electronic.

Yea, not like my cat who ***** wherever it wants. Her box is always clean!!

Cats tend to urinate or defecate outside of litter boxes when they are angry at their caretaker or if the litter of is dirty. The fact you call your cat an "it" indicates, to me, that it is the former and that they have good reason to be angry.

Cannot edit for whatever reason, so I will state that illness can also be a factor. But, again, calling a pet an "it" isn't exactly indicative of a healthy relationship with said companion.

HeadlessSparrow 20

#34 Where in the FML are you reading that the OP calls their cats "it?" I don't know if you noticed, but the "it" at the end is referring to the cat litter.

#36 Where in the thread are you reading that #34 is talking about the OP? I don't know if you noticed, but they're referring to #26's comment.

#32 more likely they connect pain (bladder stones etc.) with it, don't like the kind of litter (smell, texture or origin), the bix is in a unfit place, to small or you don't have enough boxes....

awildwhisper 30
HeadlessSparrow 20

#38 hah my bad, I didn't even see #26's comment.

Oh wow, that actually had me laughing to tears while trying to visualize it. Good luck on cleaning it up!

misfitunfit 21

Sweeping it up while trying to keep them away was a chore and a half haha!

Yeah this is the first FML that actually made me laugh out loud in a long time.

This is a good sign. At least your cats know they have to do that on the litter.

Why is the littler box in your kitchen?

Sometimes you just have no choice, when you're living in a small studio for exemple. Or maybe she just brought the litter box in the kitchen to change and clean it because bin and household products are in that room.

misfitunfit 21

OP here. The carton of new litter was in the kitchen with the rest of the groceries I had brought in. Litter box is in the laundry room off the kitchen and it broke on the way there. woops!

zeffra13 31

Maybe you should have said "while putting away a new carton of litter" or "while about to change the litter"?

This sounds hilarious. Sucks about the mess to clean up, but at least they still used the litter and not your carpet or shoes :D