Happy Caturday!

By misfitunfit - 11/11/2015 01:24 - United States

Today, while changing the litter in the cat box, the brand new carton ripped open, spilling all twelve pounds of cat litter over my kitchen floor. Both cats promptly rushed over and began frantically urinating all over it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 132
You deserved it 2 697

misfitunfit tells us more.

misfitunfit 21

OP here. The carton of new litter was in the kitchen with the rest of the groceries I had brought in. Litter box is in the laundry room off the kitchen and it broke on the way there. woops!

Top comments

Sorry OP but that is hilarious... at least it wasn't a carpet though.

Hey. They're trained at least. They went on what they knew was their bathroom material and not, say, an expensive article of clothing or electronic.


They couldn't wait! You were taking too long to clean it! :p

I'm sure my cats would be the same. I feel for you even if this is told in an amusing way. sorry OP hope tomorrow is a better day

AScooterman 12

Sounds like a real cat-tastrophe, definitely the sands of time pissed off the masses.

I believe you should be able to get a new bag if you return to the store...hope it was an easy clean up...

misfitunfit 21

Op here. Thanks everybody for the kind comments :) like they say, shit happene!

Queen_of_Night 20

I feel you OP! I once bought a bag of new crystal cat litter. I did not close it as well as I had thought after changing the box. I went to put something away and heard a crash and the infamous scratching litter sound. By the time I got back to the living room the little bastard had dug out half the litter and was in mid squat pissing in the middle of my carpeted living room. The things we put up with...

Lmao. I'm sorry but that is hilarious. I've 6 cats so I feel ya.

I'm sorry OP but picturing this happening is really funny ???

vb68_fml 28

YDI you probably waited too long before changing their litter

So sorry op, but just thought you should know that this made my day! I have two cats, and their favorite thing to do is immediately use the freshly cleaned litter box!