
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. To surprise her, I told her that I was going away on business, and could not be there on her birthday. When I show up at her house to surprise her with a present and cake, she opens the door in her underwear, beside a man in his boxers. She was surprised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 687
You deserved it 6 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damarys 0
eagle20 0

damn man sorry to hear that. but you shoulda thrown the cake in her face and said happy brithday bitch


whoever said to throw the cake in her face and say "happy birthday bitch"... they are awesome if you did that, then FYL and i hope you get a new girl that is more deserving if you didn't do that then YDI for being a rollover

I never understand why people answer the door standing beside someone who "shouldn't" be there. Who would she WANT to know that she was cheating on her bf? What if her parents had been at the door? Your parents? Or - as it turned out to be - you? And WHY would they answer the door in their underwear? Yeah, you might have posted a fake FML, but I've heard of this happening to other people, so there are some real idiots out there.

slackaboi 0

Sluuuuuut!... Or threesome?

themanistheman 0

**** her best friend. If she won't let you, use quaaludes.

who opens the door in there underwear?

at least they werent still doin it when they answered the door......

breenarae25 0

aw, thar scum sucking road ***** :(