
By SURPRISE - 10/06/2009 00:13 - Canada

Today, it was my girlfriend's birthday. To surprise her, I told her that I was going away on business, and could not be there on her birthday. When I show up at her house to surprise her with a present and cake, she opens the door in her underwear, beside a man in his boxers. She was surprised. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 687
You deserved it 6 828

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damarys 0
eagle20 0

damn man sorry to hear that. but you shoulda thrown the cake in her face and said happy brithday bitch


yati 0

Just move on. Do not spoil your future cause of her.

kaylasank 0


breenarae25 0
trojanline 0

another lie! why would she open the door in her underwear....and why was the dude standing next to her in his? Who could have possibly been at the door for that to be ok? Stop posting lies people!

breenarae25 0

stfu some of these r true dumass

Holding a cake in a hand, there was only one possible way how this could go on. #188 and others: Stop accusing people of lies just because your fake-FMLs get rejected. You fail.

don't tell girls you're going out of town when you're not...it just makes them sad and lonely and more likely to hook up with some other guy

cake in the face then beat the shit out of buddy

Thecloak 0

You take a chance and civilly say that you've known about them the entire time,(assuming that it's been happening for a while) And then you give the man the cake and the girl the present, and then walk away. I guarantee you, they won't eat the cake and they'll probably just sit there for the rest of the day looking at the present.

This is life after Sex and the City, buddy. you have to default assume she'll cheat so you should have been cheating since day 1. You got what you deserved, monogamous wimp.

Man, that really sucks. In any event, these artificial "surprises" that people pull are pretty lame. It's one thing if you show up when someone doesn't expect you to be there, but it's another thing to engineer some kind of fake absence and then pull a "gotcha". There's something about the dishonesty of it that irks me. Plus, I think it ends up establishing a bad precedent: Every time you say you can't be somewhere and genuinely mean it after that, the person's going to expect you to suddenly show up. And when you don't, it'll just compound the disappointment of your not being able to be there in the first place. I dunno, just kind of a dumb idea. Sorry about your bitch of a girlfriend, though.