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By Anonymous - 01/10/2013 20:25 - Canada - Dollard-des-ormeaux

Today, I went with my boyfriend to his church youth group for the first time. I found out a girl there likes him, when she decided to pull me off him while we were hugging, and take my place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 567
You deserved it 3 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Chandler_1995 8

That's when you politely grab a fist full of the tramps hair, yank her away from YOUR man, and put her in her place. You can't just stand back and watch. She'll walk all over you if you don't make it known that he is your boyfriend and he is obviously taken.

I hope it was at least a Christian side hug.

Oh wow. You changed your comment so my reply almost makes no sense. Thanks for almost making me look like an idiot.

\ 28

OP should stay close to her boyfriend... Show him that she loves him MORE than anyone else could

Adree 15

I know she didn't honestly think that was okay. Oh hell no.

Hell yes and have a few words with her too!

jw90 18

Bring the wrath of God upon her.

A smack wouldn't even be enough. If I were the OP, that would just scream for me, "KNOCK OUT PUNCH. KNOCK OUT PUNCH. "

Hi this is OP, I wrote this FML from work and couldn't remember my password which is why I was not signed in. This actually took place a couple years ago around Easter. My boyfriend's youth group was putting on the passion play which is why I went (he really wanted me to see it, I'm not actually religious at all). After the play, I went to see him and hug him, which is when this happened. And trust me I would've liked nothing better then to smack her if it wasn't for the fact that I am only five feet tall while she was, well, a BIG girl... Anyway my boyfriend pushed her off and we both looked at her like ''what the **** do you think you're doing?''. She just walked away. This same girl also took a picture of the youth group, and cropped everyone but him and her out and put it as her facebook picture pretending he was her boyfriend. I try not to make a big deal out of it, she's just pathetic.

You should've retaliated by passionately making out with him in front of her, then turn to look at her as if to say "now what, biatch?"

Technically, but he hasn't really gone in over a year. Not cause of this though, I think he's just losing interest in church. Funny thing though, he happened to work at a camp with this girl's cousin, and now she's sending him creepy loving facebook messages! What's with this family? Haha.

I admire your restraint, OP. If it was me, I would have roundhouse kicked her out the door. If she really is that obsessive over your boyfriend, I suggest you confront her face-to-face. Or fist-to-face. You know, whatever works...

Omg lol I have so much similarity with you.

if this is OP why wasn't it published as a reply?

Kyuubi_Rose 11

Some people are desperate, but show that girl who's with him she can't do that to a taken man. He is your man

Yeah, especially girls in the youth group settings. I don't recommend going to someone else's you group, no matter who they are to you. those kids have most likely been together for 5+ years and are very possessive.

I'm guessing it wasn't a church side hug then......

This doesn't happen if you're Jewish

Subtle! Make it a group hug until she ***** off again.

Oh wow. You changed your comment so now my reply makes no sense. Thanks for making me look like an idiot.

So you just sat there and let her hug your man? Come on. You have to be smarter than that.

Sweetpea22 14

If anyone pulled me off my boyfriend while I was hugging him, I would punch them.

beautifulsoul89 11

I agree with #11...I would never let no female push me off my man and hug up on him without me kicking her Ass. If you shy or whatever, get out your shell and prove who's man that is. Cause you let her slide with a hug, you gonna let another female slide with a kiss???!

I would have pulled her off by her hair.

Yeah. I'd get physical to respond to her physical attack (pulling off) but I wouldn't slap her for just hugging a boyfriend. That's his job to take care of.

cgart96 15

They were at a church youth group, though. Besides that's definitely not the right way to react anywhere.