Hate speech

By Meow - 27/07/2022 18:00

Today, I woke up sick from crying all night because I got dumped by a dude who couldn't stand my tone of voice, which I can’t completely control because of my Asperger's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 936
You deserved it 183

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone of us has gone or will go through relationships. For whatever reasons, things just don’t work out sometimes. When that happens give yourself an appropriate time to mourn the loss and then move on. Every failed relationship has the potential to be a learning experience. You can learn what types of people could be compatible with you. You can learn what things are not worth fighting over, and you can learn to treasure the relationships you have. And you can learn that you are not destined to die alone, you will find someone else to love and be loved by.

Marcella1016 31

Dude chill. Like I get you have a chip on your shoulder but OP was just talking literally about how their voice sounds. That shit is hard AF to adjust. I personally have worked on that myself for years to add correct inflections in my voice but I still get told often that people can’t tell I’m joking because it comes across so deadpan. It helps that I laugh a lot, but some behaviors are really hard to correct. Even when you try “mimicking.” That said, not everyone’s the same. Some people are assholes who use it as an excuse, and some people are literally stuck with shitty social skills they can’t fix. Get off your high horse just because you were able to overcome your issues. Not everyone walks in the same shoes as you. Talk about empathy? Try getting some yourself.


tiptoppc 19

I have it too. Stop using it as a damn crutch. It pisses me off when people use that as an excuse. Do what the rest of us do, adapt and try to mimic until it becomes natural. Looking people in the eye and not interrupting others is something i had to learn to adapt, even showing empathy, but being conscientious about it while trying to a way to interact without it interfering is all you can do in this world. YDI if you aren’t willing to change and just want others to put up with it. I wish that never became a thing like ADHD where it’s sooo ******* overdiagnosed. People use it as a crutch and it irks the hell out of me.

This rant is kind of funny. You're lambasting OP for not faking empathy and human connection well enough while you display none. lol

Marcella1016 31

Dude chill. Like I get you have a chip on your shoulder but OP was just talking literally about how their voice sounds. That shit is hard AF to adjust. I personally have worked on that myself for years to add correct inflections in my voice but I still get told often that people can’t tell I’m joking because it comes across so deadpan. It helps that I laugh a lot, but some behaviors are really hard to correct. Even when you try “mimicking.” That said, not everyone’s the same. Some people are assholes who use it as an excuse, and some people are literally stuck with shitty social skills they can’t fix. Get off your high horse just because you were able to overcome your issues. Not everyone walks in the same shoes as you. Talk about empathy? Try getting some yourself.

Really insensitive! Thats the problem with society! We expect others to feel and act the same as we do! Just because you’re able to handle something better than others dont pressure people to be on your level! Cos aren’t you so lucky! Leave people to be who they are! And offer helpful advice instead of critical crap! OP im sending love to you! Someone will love you for who you are, stop and look around everybody finds someone at some point and everyone loses someone at some point! Its life! Take them as experiences for the next time around! We never know whats around the corner and thats what keeps up hopeful :)

nah fr it’s a spectrum. yours isn’t so bad but hers must be so much worse

Everyone of us has gone or will go through relationships. For whatever reasons, things just don’t work out sometimes. When that happens give yourself an appropriate time to mourn the loss and then move on. Every failed relationship has the potential to be a learning experience. You can learn what types of people could be compatible with you. You can learn what things are not worth fighting over, and you can learn to treasure the relationships you have. And you can learn that you are not destined to die alone, you will find someone else to love and be loved by.

Sonotsuave 35

I’ve read a lot of these types of stories, and I just want to comment that my boyfriend has Aspergers and it affects him in specific ways, including obsessions over trivia and certain hobbies, doing things in very particular ways, not always being able to understand or read emotions well, etc. Yet we’ve been successfully dating for 2 years and he’s the person I want to marry. He worked hard on himself before we met, to the point where he doesn’t need medication for any of his conditions, including getting bipolarity and other issues under control, which ain’t at all easy to do. But it’s possible. And it’s certainly possible to achieve high success in relationships. You just have to not give up and keep working with specialists to get the things in your control UNDER control, and let the other things go and work on loving and accepting yourself for who you are. Good luck

Nix188 13

I knew a girl, who i thought was the most attractive person I've ever seen, but she had a deeper voice than mine. Felt like Chris Tucker in "friday" going 'Daaaammnn' I couldn't do it either, sorry us guys are jerks