Psychopath's joke

By hannieannie - 20/11/2019 01:00

Today, I’m still recovering from last night. I fell asleep before my boyfriend. He thought it would be funny to stand at the bottom of the bed with a knife and wake me up. I screamed so much that I wet myself and had a panic attack. He recorded the whole thing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 046
You deserved it 261

Same thing different taste

Top comments

blondie45 21

You need to ditch that psychopath immediately! I would even go as far as taking out a restraining order.... anyone who thinks that kind of behaviour is appropriate is dangerous...


Obviously! No one wants to date a bed wetter. Surely he dumped her after her loss of bladder control.

EmDizzle2007 28

the most played-out comment on this site by far.

If he put it on YouTube can you post a link to the video I’d like to watch you wet yourself

blondie45 21

You need to ditch that psychopath immediately! I would even go as far as taking out a restraining order.... anyone who thinks that kind of behaviour is appropriate is dangerous...

Batman_1872 20
Mungolikecandy 19

That is pretty abusive behaviour. There are jokes and then there is abuse and he has crossed a line.

cardin06 15

And it was so traumatic that you had to put it on FML? ...jus sayin.

Fickle 6

What a douche bag! Hopefully you have enough sense to move free of an asshole like that.

If you're still with him, see how he likes your new chainsaw, and hockey mask.

That's just an asshole thing to do... I say be done with him.

Hi, it’s my partner of 6 years and we’re in the middle of a prank war. Safe to say he won!

J15237 25

If he is a serious boyfriend who you have future plans with then I would find a way to get him back. If he is temporary I would consider looking for another boyfriend. I mean it is funny, but at the same time once the laugh has happened he does need to move on.