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By Anonymous - 18/11/2009 11:47 - Denmark

Today, I got the flu. Feeling really sick and depressed, I called my boyfriend to get some comfort. When he didn't answer his phone, I called his house, only to hear his mother telling me, "He was so sad that you guys broke up." I didn't know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 673
You deserved it 2 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

roaminginsomniac 0

Tell his mom he didn't tell you about any break up, but he needs to call you so you can tell him about his STD test. Tell her you wouldn't have sex with him because he has several STD's. That should help him out a Bunch!

GreenDaemon21 0

UR ALL WRONG! OP: dun worry about it. Obviously, he broke up with his OTHER GIRLFRIEND and his mom got confused. ur relationship with him is still safe. Hope that helps! :)


According to his mom, who broke up? Maybe you can fix it?

Girls are so unamaginitive nowadays.... Make him a damn sammich or sex him up. Before you know it your both living happily ever after again. Dont thank me for the advice. Yours Sincerly the_pleb

you really are incredibly boring aren't you.

bonertastic 0

Awkward breakups for the win.

Yee12 0

Oh man that sucks and #3 that's lame. Really? It sucks finding out you are breaking up...but to hear it first from his MOM. Mom-burn. Ouch.

roaminginsomniac 0

Tell his mom he didn't tell you about any break up, but he needs to call you so you can tell him about his STD test. Tell her you wouldn't have sex with him because he has several STD's. That should help him out a Bunch!

look here: i dont have a boyfriend, and i got the flu too, thats worse, prob not XD

Hooray4Ponies 0

I'm tired of people using "depressed" when they meant "sad" or "down."

trilliamme 0

Same here. It's almost as annoying as everyone running around and saying they have OCD because, say, they like their clothes to match.

Well, when you look it up, depressed means "low in spirits; sad." Yeah, depression is an illness and shouldn't be taken lightly, but depending on the context, it can just mean sad and that's not a big deal.

Hooray4Ponies 0

While technically the word does just mean sad, it has a different connotation now. I think teenagers just use it to sound more dramatic, honestly.

GreenDaemon21 0

UR ALL WRONG! OP: dun worry about it. Obviously, he broke up with his OTHER GIRLFRIEND and his mom got confused. ur relationship with him is still safe. Hope that helps! :)

Skull_300 0

He's a Pussy!!! He is spineless and doesn't have the BALLS to speak to you about breaking up in person. **** him, you are better off without the wimp...

perdix 29

Then, who's idea was it to break up? There has to be a dumper and a dumpee. The dumpee has to mope around and be sad, but the dumper gets to gleefully do the "freedom" dance. Who's doing the "freedom" dance?