He studies the blade

By Anonymous - 11/01/2022 11:01

Today, my boyfriend dumped me and walked away from our life together, because I wouldn’t let him indulge his stupid manchild hobby of collecting swords to hang on the walls. He already has two, why the hell would he want more than that? Bullet dodged, but 2 years together wasted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 426
You deserved it 4 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds more like HE dodged a bullet. I hope he finds his Samurai queen & they live happily ever after with their badass sword wall/talking piece.

may sound weird, but people collect items related to things that interests them... most swords and knives have some sort of culture, history or story behind them. from. the shape and design to movies they were in or historical importance... sorry to say, you were the dodged bullet here.


Royal Sataness 4

you're the bullet. just because it's stupid to you doesn't mean it's stupid to him. as long as bills are paid first, a good partner would encourage a hobby, not bash it. good riddance to you

randybryant799 20

I don't blame him for dumping you. Why can't he hang swords on the walls?

Glitterbaby2613 20

I like your boyfriend’s style. I’m willing to bet you have way more of something than you really need, be it purses, shoes, clothes or something else. My wife has way more throw pillows and sets of dishes than I have any idea what to do with, but they make her happy, so as long as she stays mostly within our budget, why does it matter to me? P.S. I have a sword.

bobsanction 18

How many pairs of shoes you got? Bet it's more than two.

You mean he dodge a bullet from someone who is disrespectful and insulting about his harmless hobby?

mccuish 25

You’re the bullet he dodged. I bet he’ll find someone that’s not a judgemental person like you are. We all need a nice hobby, but I guess you wouldn’t allow him to have a hobby

there are tens of millions of Americans who own an average of 20 guns each who could probably answer the "why does he need more than two" question

Dirtysalamander1 13

idk where you got that fictional figure