
By Anonymous - 25/08/2012 03:31 - United States - Tucson

Today, I was at a job interview. The interviewer spoke to me for a few minutes, then said she would be right back, and left. I was left alone in a room for an hour and a half believing that it was a patience test. They closed the store for the day, leaving me in the interview room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 266
You deserved it 2 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You seem to have plenty of patience to wait an hour and a half


If they closed the store and locked up... .how'd you get out?

You see, it was the ultimate patience test!

Either you have a lot of patience or nothing to do :D

Depending on what type of store you were in, that could lead up some serious fun. Or, as soon as you move the motion detectors will pick you up and set off the alarm.

constipatedlady 0

Ahaha. You deserve it for being so dumb or desperate for this job. Patience test? An hour and a half? Oh hahahahaha. Fool.

She deserves it for being desperate for a job? I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Good jobs are hard to come by. It took 5 months for a supermarket to call me in for an interview. If people actually want to make it in this world they will work and work hard at it. She's not desperate, she was simply determined.

amandajlucas2015 2

I'm sorry some people actually need money and don't have their parents giving it to them.. Grow up

RougeRamirez 8

I think it's safe to say Constipatedlady is full of shit

doglover100 28

You must have a lot of patience. Hope you get the job.

I would have gotten scared once I found out the store was closed.

I would have guessed a leadership test, how long you wait until you take charge and find out whats going on, but i guess it depends on the job...