
By NoHappyEndings - 30/09/2017 17:15 - United States - Dundalk

Today, it's been four weeks since I got a job offer after months of grueling interviews. I turned down other offers to accept the job, but I'm still unemployed because no one at the company will take my calls about my official start date. I've been ghosted by a corporate office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 842
You deserved it 370

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's easy to see now, but maybe you should have gotten your official start date before you turned down all of your other offers

Well, there you have it, OP. Based on the great unsolicited advice you’ve received from the FML comments section, you’re only one trip in a time machine away from going back and taking a different job! Simple!


Lucky O'Guin 18

Why would you turn down other jobs without knowing with absolute certainty that you were going to start this job? Why were you not given a start date when you were hired? I hope it wasn't a job at a detective agency. Nice work, OP!