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Close but no cigar

By bbb - 03/10/2012 16:19 - United States - Hillsborough

Today, after having tried for months to get a promotion at work, I finally had an interview for a higher position. Everything went great, and I was told I would get a call next week for my second interview. I went back to my desk, only to get an email stating they're canceling the position. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 884
You deserved it 1 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

I know how you feel, OP. Before I finally earned the position I'm in now, that happened to me TWICE. Fickle managers piss me off. Either create a position, or don't. You shouldn't dangle an opportunity in front of your employees, just to take it away.

*not How did autocorrect not auto correct that? What the hell is mot?!


unknown_user5566 26

I know how you feel, OP. Before I finally earned the position I'm in now, that happened to me TWICE. Fickle managers piss me off. Either create a position, or don't. You shouldn't dangle an opportunity in front of your employees, just to take it away.

Yeah, that happened at one of my old jobs but they dangled it so you would do more work. So I don't know if I should suggest OP to work normally when positions arrive or what. They might be playing the whole company.

It must mot have gone as great as you thought. Actually, you must have bombed the interview. Not only did you not get the job, they eliminated it completely after your fiasco!

*not How did autocorrect not auto correct that? What the hell is mot?!

unknown_user5566 26

According to, it's a pithy or witty remark. FML leads to many educational discoveries for me on a daily basis. Fun AND educational!

It's an annual test of automobile safety used in the UK. Just googled it.

I thought it was a mixture of might and not...

I like 20's version. Lets go with that from now on.

blakken 3

The one thing is you know they said they would call you. It isn't anything to do with you per say just the business didn't need that position open anymore. It could have been a number of scenarios. Nothing against you personally. Don't take it as such OP.

The interview must have been a devil of a job but your probably did a bang up job on it. Maybe they cancelled it because they thought you would lie down on the job. O well make the best of a bad job.

maybe they cancelled it because you got it.

unknown_user5566 26

Cancelled the position itself, not the interview, meaning there is no longer a job for OP to obtain.

#11 - I had a version of this happen; others were told I had the job before I was offered and accepted it. I had to find the hiring manager to get the story straight. Awkward.

september1395 7

11- hey that's what I thought too:D

Perhaps they were looking for more people to interview for the position.

olpally 32

Well, at least you still have a job and didn't get fired... I hate when companies do that... Jerks!

Yeah! I hate when companies fire people! It's not like they give you multiple warnings and chances to explain yourself! It's not like there are laws requiring them to have a legit reason! It's not like you have grounds to sue if you are fired for an illegitimate reason which leads companies to ridiculously accepting of laziness and stupidity! Have you ever tried to fire someone? It can be much harder than you think, even if they are ******* slack and always late. Admittedly this does depend on the size, and even the general atmosphere of the company.