Help yourself

By IGOTIT - 05/09/2013 07:24 - United States - Fountain Valley

Today, my boyfriend took me to a very elegant and expensive restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. When it came to the check, I volunteered to pitch in half, which he rejected by saying, "I got it". Little did I know was that "I got it" was short for "I got your credit card." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 499
You deserved it 3 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although men aren't required to pay, taking your credit card is just rude. He needs to at least be honest instead of saying "I got it."

Yep, time to put a padlock on your purse!


Nurd4lyfe 7

It's a good thing he didn't propose. Would've had your card for that too

Obey_StudBoii 23

Oh hell no. This is the reason why I'm a lesbian. Dump his sorry ass, what's he doing in your personal belongings to begin with? Better check your credit card history for anything that comes up.

'This is the reason why I'm lesbian.' Yes, because only men could do such a horrible thing. I'm sure women can be, and have been, equally bad people. I suggest you try to find a better reason as to why you're lesbian. Like, maybe you're not into men.

Obey_StudBoii 23

#37 Not once did I say women can do such horrible things so get your act together and besides why the hell do I have to prove to you why I'm a lesbian? I don't have to prove shit to you sweetheart. Don't like what I have to say? Get t over it

#37 said that women could also do such horrible things, he never claimed you said that, what he said was that you are an idiot for thinking women can't do such things. #37 didn't ask you to proof you were a lesbian, he mocked your sentence that said: "Oh hell no. This is the reason why I'm a lesbian. " because (1) that is a bad reason to be a lesbian and (2) a women can also screw you over.

hunteryager 18

I love how it says she'll block men who will contact her. But what man would be attracted to that profile picture unless they're gay and confused you for one somehow.

Obey_StudBoii 23
hunteryager 18

Ohh someone's mad. Don't start badmouthing men and people won't say that shit.

Next time use his :P, buy him a nice Mustang or something. Hehe

No she needs to buy herself a nice Mustang or something. Screw him.

catkat1988 17

He's not just an ass, that's theft and fraud. If I were you, I'd have a serious discussion with him about it, and if he doesn't see where he went wrong, is very deeply sorry and offers you to pay you back for the entire bill, I'd end the relationship (the reason why I'm saying the entire bill, and not just half, is because that's what he promised before he stole the card - I don't believe the guy automatically has to pay for all dates and dinners). Lots of stories on FML relate to sucky things boyfriends or girlfriends did to each other, and in many cases I'd feel that dumping the person for it would be an over-reaction, but stealing money or credit cards from another person is way over the line in my opinion.

hunteryager 18

Why should whoever takes out whom have to pay? It's not like girls ever offer to take you out, they just expect it all. It should be split in half.

hunteryager 18

I understand what you're saying. Not trying to be rude or anything, i'm just saying it usually isnt the other way around.

RedPillSucks 31

Well, part of the issue is that OP didn't have a say in the matter. If I surprised someone by taking them out to an expensive restaurant, I would think it would be rude to suggest that they pay for all or part of it. Now if we made that decision together, I'd have no problem suggesting they pitch in. What OPs boyfriend did was rude, disingenuous, and sneaky.

hunteryager 18

Yes but it is both their anniversery. And im not saying what the boyfriend did was acceptable obviously. Quite an easy way to **** up your life.

You are wrong. Chivalry is not dead it is just hand picking the people that are smart enough to get the girl. You sir, are not one of them. (if you are a girl then stop being such a feminist) There are some things a guy should do, one of them is showing a girl a nice evening every now and then. Treating someone to a meal and a movie and spending some time to talk to her in a private/romantic setting can do wonders for a relationship. Not all girls are into that though, but I have had to girlfriends one of which was very boyish and the other very independent, that offered to pay their half. Neither time would I let them and they both respected me more for it. This is not up for argument, the man should pay.

hunteryager 18

But why should he pay? You failed to specify. Men and women both work into todays society. Why should men have to use their money all the time?

hunteryager 18

Oh and i suppose a thing women should do is clean the house just like in the old days. But that's not the case. You make NO sense.

I happen to be a girl and I do sometimes offer to pay. In fact when I plan a date to take my boyfriend out, I only do so intending to pay. However, her boyfriend took her out, and sounds like this was essentially his anniversary gift to her. You do not ask your girlfriend to pay for her own "gift" and sure as hell don't steal her credit card to pay for it!

Why the hell should the man pay? I never grew up with those ideals so I can't understand why it's even a thing. I try to always split the bill. (That's not to say I don't treat my bf to food). It doesn't make sense that the guy automatically pays. Chivalry is manners towards women, manners being something that should be afforded to all genders. The whole concept is stupid.

hunteryager 18

^THANK YOU! That's what i have been trying to get across.

That's certainly not true. When my boyfriend takes me out (ie makes a plan or proposes an outing) he pays. When I suggest the activity, I pay. That way, if I want to go try a new restaurant that happens to be expensive, he's not stuck footing the bill when it may not be the best time for him. If I don't have money to put into going out and doing something, I invite him over to make dinner and watch a movie. It works out just fine, and it's not like we keep a strict account if who paid how much last. It just generally works out to each of us paying for half of our combined date expenses, over time. That doesn't count the fact that he occasionally buys me flowers and I make him cookies or something every so often. If you're in a relationship where the two of you consider yourselves equals, that's how it should work out. Equally.

I pay for me and my husband all the time! For one, I make more money than him. But also, if I am the one who is in the mood to go a certain place and I suggest it, then I feel I should pay. We really try to take turns to keep it fair. FYI, we each have our own bank accounts for our own paycheck.

Like many of the other posters, I feel like the one who did the inviting should pay, but the guy I'm with insists on paying for everything. It's actually really frustrating because I feel like I'm not doing my share. We've both been in a tough place financially, and this also means that when he's low on cash, we don't get to go out. Instead of letting me pay for him, he'd rather just not go out. Thanks to his pride, we've barely left the house all summer. But he always pays. Do you think I respect him for it? Hardly. I'm not ungrateful, of course, but I would much rather split the costs and get to do more activities together.

This coming from a feminist and if the girl offers, sure I might let her half it with me. If it were a date though I'd prefer to pay. #57 Everyone should clean the home or cook the meals. You live there (men), step up to some of the responsibilities. Stop gushing that feminist trash. I don't think like that and you are full of shit. I made my point which is that it is considered polite (by the majority of society) for the guy to pay majority of the time. Down vote me all you like, but generally if the guy offers to split the bill to women, he is viewed as cheap, so it is best to just pay the full thing every time.

October3461 12

Well its the thought that counts op :)

RedDragonx32 8

time to put the important stuff in ur bra~~