Help yourself

By IGOTIT - 05/09/2013 07:24 - United States - Fountain Valley

Today, my boyfriend took me to a very elegant and expensive restaurant to celebrate our anniversary. When it came to the check, I volunteered to pitch in half, which he rejected by saying, "I got it". Little did I know was that "I got it" was short for "I got your credit card." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 499
You deserved it 3 582

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Although men aren't required to pay, taking your credit card is just rude. He needs to at least be honest instead of saying "I got it."

Yep, time to put a padlock on your purse!


fukre 3

So it was tour treat to him. I guess he wanted to go to such costly restaurant and was not having the card.

RedPillSucks 31

Really? You felt the need to bring racism into a discussion that had nothing to do with race? Pathetic.

He has sneaky fingers...better keep your wallet close...

I seriously don't mind paying for my own food (unless he insists). But that is going WAY too far. Theft and jackassery.

icepick23 12

Does it matter who pays? All that matters is you had a nice anniversary dinner. Please do not tell me you ruined the evening by arguing over this.

Yea because stealing her credit card and charging a large bill to it is totally alright and acceptable behaviour. It's not the fact that she ended up paying, it's that he STOLE her credit card. If you're alright with your partners stealing from you, you need to grow a backbone.

The problem is not that she ended up paying for it. It's the fact that he stole her credit card. HER credit card. This wasn't a married couple who used a joint account to pay for their joint anniversary. He stole her credit card and fraudulently used it. This happened to me with the "man"I was engaged to and it was an absolute deal breaker.

It's not who pays, it's about him lying and being deceitful. And charging money on her card without her being aware of it at the time.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

A vibrator is cheaper and orgasms are all but guaranteed.

Dump that loser and go out with me. I'll take you to Bora Bora. And when it comes time to pay? I got it!

I would have hurt him badly for doing that, the nerves of that guy

Pinkfun69 4

What a total loser!! Kick the person to the curb no, telling what the thief will snack from you less.