
By jnp414 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Bristol

Today, my house key jammed inside the lock, which would've been annoying even if I hadn't been desperately running from my neighbor's psycho pitbull at the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 267
You deserved it 1 590

Top comments

Don't run from dogs, they're predators, even if they don't want to hurt you, their instinct is to chase. If you're afraid of a dog or think it wants to attack you, try to stay calm and walk away, don't look at it either. Dogs are mostly bluffing, even when it looks like two dogs are fightings it's noisy and impressive but most of the time there won't be a drop of blood. There are idiots around my neighborhood with a really aggressive labrador, it runs to you growling but if you don't move it stops. People who run from it however, have been bitten. That dog may be a pitbull, it's still a dog. I don't even know how it chases you or if it actually bit you but it might even just be playing, sometimes it's hard to tell.

Once again proving that the only things that smell fear are the things you include in your escape plans.


wordygirl 11

Call animal control on these beasts. No one needs to be in fear getting to their house in one piece! The owners will have to pay a fine to get their dogs out and an additional fine if they have no tags. It will hit them in the wallet and they will think twice before letting their beasts free to roam.

taylor_b22 7

Honestly, if you were being chased by an aggressive pit bull, you’d be making a post about hospital bills, it sounds like you have a lesson you need to learn about open mindedness and fait is trying to force it.