
By jnp414 - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Bristol

Today, my house key jammed inside the lock, which would've been annoying even if I hadn't been desperately running from my neighbor's psycho pitbull at the time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 267
You deserved it 1 590

Top comments

Don't run from dogs, they're predators, even if they don't want to hurt you, their instinct is to chase. If you're afraid of a dog or think it wants to attack you, try to stay calm and walk away, don't look at it either. Dogs are mostly bluffing, even when it looks like two dogs are fightings it's noisy and impressive but most of the time there won't be a drop of blood. There are idiots around my neighborhood with a really aggressive labrador, it runs to you growling but if you don't move it stops. People who run from it however, have been bitten. That dog may be a pitbull, it's still a dog. I don't even know how it chases you or if it actually bit you but it might even just be playing, sometimes it's hard to tell.

Once again proving that the only things that smell fear are the things you include in your escape plans.


he just wanted to play! jeez, people need to learn how to behave around dogs. calm your shit and he will too

metalcrazed 21

You don't even know the dog.

pharm121 21

Don't blame the poor pit. Blame the owners for not properly training their dog

Was it necessary to say pitbull? You couldn't have just said psycho dog? YDI

52: OP probably said it to give us a sense of what kind of dog it is because there's a big difference between running away from a yorkie versus a pitbull.

I got bit by a Maltese on my hand and face when I was 5, had stitches and 25 years later I still have scars. Any dog can bite.

metalcrazed 21

Very true,but when a bigger dog bits you are more likely to end up in the hospital.

it's not the pitbulls fault! it's the owners! i have a pitbull and she is the most loving dog you will ever meet! just because she's a pitbull doesn't mean she's evil it means she's a dog and it's up to me and my boyfriend to train her right!

Agreed. I have a pit too and she's scared of her own shadow. Wouldn't hurt a fly.

I don't even know why people defend the dog anymore. Look how many pit bulls are responsible for fatalities in the us. How many more people will have to die or be severely mauled to death until people understand they don't make good pets? If you insist on having a dangerous animal, at least make sure it is properly contained and unable to get free. I just got done watching some nasty pit bull attack videos on liveleak. You should see the damage done to people. Don't even try and say a chihuahua is more aggressive. It's not about how ******* aggressive they are, it's about how much damage they can do when they ARE aggressive. A chihuahua is less likely to do severe damage. And if a chihuahua was attacking you, a simple kick could kill or injure it. Try getting a 70lbs pit bull off you. In one video people smashed bricks against the dog, kicked it, pulled at it and tasered it but it still wouldn't let go.

If you want to go by damage, basically every large dog would be outlawed. Of course you hear more about pit bulls, people are already against them and plaster any dog that attacks up that has any similarity or characteristics of one up trying to defend their dumbass views.

You're ridiculous, you don't write off an entire group/breed because of a FEW bad incidents. "I don't even know why people defend [Americans] anymore. Look how many [Americans] are responsible for deaths around the world and in the US. How many more people have to die or be severely [shot] to death before people realize they're not good people? If you insist on having [Americans] around, at least make sure they're properly contained and unable to do harm. I just got done watching some nasty [American] attack videos. You should see the damage they've done to other people and countries. Don't even try to say that [terrorists] are more aggressive. It's not how ******* aggressive they are, it's about how much damage they can do when they ARE aggressive. Look at the world's severe mass fatalities, comparatively [terrorist groups] are less likely to do severe damage than America. And if a [terrorist group] was attacking you, simple chatter monitoring, and self defence planning, could diminish them. Try getting an army of 2 million to back off. In one video, people protested against America, retaliated, and exposed atrocities, but they still won't keep to themselves." This all sounds pretty ridiculous doesn't it? Just writing off a whole country and group of people because of a few incidents and some stereotypes, which when applied to the majority are completely false. Well that's how stupid everything you said sounds. You don't look at a group with 1 similar characteristic and say "well I've seen a number of bad incidents, so they all must be terrible." If you do this, it just shows your own ignorance. * just want to be clear my use of America wasn't an attack, only used it as a stand in example. I have nothing against the country or its people.

insecurewife07 3

More importantly, the American pit bull terrier is a small to medium sized dog averaging 30-60 pounds. Anything over 60 isn't an apbt. And in actual studies up to 80% of breed labels in bite cases were incorrect. Less than 0.001% of pit bull type dogs, let alone actual pit bulls, will ever bite anyone and significantly less than 100 people are killed every year. So, there are many things, including vending machines, that pose larger public safety risks.

wordygirl 11

I am an American and have not shot or killed ANYONE! Do not generalize the Americans on account of their corrupt govt. I for one am glad we have freedoms the European are unfortunately without. Trump will change the bad rap the Americans have endured.

amberlys2025 9

it's how they are raised or in which environment they are born in. most of the time it's a bad one and that what makes them like that

Sucks to be you, its nice that they banned those dogs up in Ontario!

So nice dogs are forced from their owners and typically killed for being born a certain breed

I guess they should also ban labradors, since they're in on of the breed that bites the most world wide, but you don't hear about labradors killing people because they have that reputation of good family dog. When a labrador sends a kid to hospital, it's "the parents fault" right ? And "they should have watched their kids better" but when it's a pitbull, "omg bad dog they're so evil" right ?? A pitbull is a dog, it sees like a dog, thinks like a dog. And the one in this FML isn't psycho and surely isn't aggressive at all. Or else OP wouldn't have even reached the actual door.

redlizzybeth 25

It is time to notify animal control. Letting it chase you is irresponsible of the owner. I understand that did get loose but other people have an absolute right to not be terrorized getting to their doors. I shot my neighbors dog the second time it bit me. I didn't want to but it was hurting me and I couldn't make it stop. They would unleash it at 4 when animal control closed. The police had warned them but since I had no proof it was their dog that bit me the first time since it ran home after buying me they still had their menace. That poor animal was not trained and was taught aggression was good. They didn't feed it nearly enough. All told it was bad ownership that killed the dog. The cops were the ones that told me to shoot it.