Hot wheels

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was driving when I saw that a cute guy was staring at me. Flattered, I smiled at him, but he didn't even react. I realized he wasn't admiring me, he was admiring my truck. This is the fifth time this week. My truck gets more game than I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 300
You deserved it 8 029

Top comments

Many women get offended when men stare at their headlights.


SELL THE TRUCK IT GETS YOU NO WHERE ps sell it for a lot they will buy it then guys do anything for some thing they like

No offence, but you shouldn't be driving a truck in the first place.

"he wasn't admiring me he was admiring my truck" shouldn't there be a comma in between "me" and "he"?

use the truck to get a hot guy them make him fall in love with you so then he gets both

floatablebullet 7

I may be responsible for this. No offense to you but your truck was just really damn sexy

jecaca93 5

Girls shouldn't drive trucks...

We can drive whatever we damn well please. Shame on you, don't hate on your own gender!!!

You've been truck-blocked, OP. But lots of guys think girls who drive trucks are sexy.

Well they have to look at the driver at some point, right?