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How's he doing?

By MoveOn! - 25/01/2017 20:00

Today, and at every family event, my parents and grandparents go on and on about my ex and how much they miss him and wish I would get back with him. This would be fine, rude, but fine, except that they tell this to my husband. It's been years and we're expecting our first child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 235
You deserved it 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

have you told them off about this? if not then why?? if you have then just keep doing it. don't let them go on & on, get angry, interrupt them & tell them to shut up about it.


have you told them off about this? if not then why?? if you have then just keep doing it. don't let them go on & on, get angry, interrupt them & tell them to shut up about it.

onceuponatime456 16

You do not have to put up with that shit! Explain to your parents that you are done with their garbage and will no longer have anything to do with them. You are expecting a baby and when it is born they will poison the child against its father! Cut the ties now, they will not change!

cheshireau 26

You need to start standing up for Yourself and your Husband. This sort of behaviour is completely unacceptable.

I don't know why you bother going to family events if they do this. This is the kind of thing that has the potential to damage your children's relationship with their father as they get older. Time for a long talk and some boundaries or no more visits.

I'm sorry, but if it's rude, then it is definitely not fine, no matter what the situation. Imagine how your husband feels, he's never good enough. Stand up to them, call them out and if they don't stop, no longer affiliate with them until they change their behaviour. Prioritize the people that love and accept you, not the rude jerks just because they're family. They shouldn't be allowed near the baby either, the criticism of your husband will effect the child. It could make them feel like they're not good enough either because they're from your husband.

notmyfam 10

Damn I feel so sorry for your husband. How does he put up with that?

sgdigaetano 3

Ummmm, she doesn't have one----

Your family is a bunch of assholes. You need to put them in their place. They will only continue doing this as long as you allow them to

tell them how your husband is so much better in bed and describe in graphic details his 12 inch dong.