I can't get no sleep

By wishingIwassingle - 15/01/2023 15:00 - United Kingdom - Leicester

Today, after weeks of being up nights to hand feed nine puppies, I, an insomniac, finally got to sleep during the day, which isn't easy for me, only to be woken by my partner asking me a stupid question that was unimportant, then made to feel like a jerk for being angry. I'm now stuck awake, pissed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 818
You deserved it 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What was the question? What if it was important to him? Why can't we know that? What are you trying to hide? Do the puppies need to go out? Are you feeding them enough? Are all of them getting the amount they need? Or are you feeding them too much? Am I asking enough question? Do you need me to ask more?

Hi there ops partner firstly I am a woman so not him, also my question was dumb in hind sight, I asked them if they wanted a cuppa, caffine.... whilst they were in bed trying to sleep. Also secondly dont be a dick, my misses yes we are both women works bloody hard, I am currently unemplyed but they work and have been hand rearing puppies who finally went to be rehomed by the recue center we volunteer for, she works damned hard to make sure their weight is perfect and they get everything they need and despite her shifts still feeds them. Think Richard you have a chip on your shoulder and given your attitude I would be stunned if you even knew the scent of a woman without raiding her garbage.


What was the question? What if it was important to him? Why can't we know that? What are you trying to hide? Do the puppies need to go out? Are you feeding them enough? Are all of them getting the amount they need? Or are you feeding them too much? Am I asking enough question? Do you need me to ask more?

Hi there ops partner firstly I am a woman so not him, also my question was dumb in hind sight, I asked them if they wanted a cuppa, caffine.... whilst they were in bed trying to sleep. Also secondly dont be a dick, my misses yes we are both women works bloody hard, I am currently unemplyed but they work and have been hand rearing puppies who finally went to be rehomed by the recue center we volunteer for, she works damned hard to make sure their weight is perfect and they get everything they need and despite her shifts still feeds them. Think Richard you have a chip on your shoulder and given your attitude I would be stunned if you even knew the scent of a woman without raiding her garbage.

Ops partner here so I was dumb I asked them if they wanted a cup of tea, they were sleeping, I offered them caffine.... whilst they were trying to sleep, I admittedly did get huffy we bioth havent been sleeping well and with their anxiety they dont sleep well after being stressed out, I messed up and at the time didnt apologize cause I thought offering a cuppa to a sleeping person was nice. I admittedly goofed and really need to apologize.

as long as you realize you were wrong and apologize....

I havent and dont think I will as they have already moved on and forgotten about it so hopefully I am clear.