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By Anonymous - 08/09/2012 09:57 - United States

Today, after 3 nights of insomnia, I was finally able to doze off. My boyfriend woke me up just to ask which soda in the fridge was mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 427
You deserved it 2 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell him it's the one you're going to pour over his head.

nickownes1 3

Yeah my girlfriend has insomnia. I can tell its a really hard thing to deal with. Just hang in there, and maybe ask your boyfriend to not wake you up.


That's unfortunate. Don't let him sleep for the next year!

1- No that would kill him in just a few days! You gotta try to make him suffer for as long as possible.

Gee "mad" is a bit of a loose term there innit? Insomnia doesn't make one "mad", it's just their brain becoming to encumbered to effectively sort everything in reality.

Woops! Incorrect inflection of "to" and retarded use of "encumbered" - which isn't actually an adjective.. But y'all know what I mean! Thumb me down like a bitch ;)

bizarre_ftw 21

^one of my favorite self-corrects I've ever seen *applauds*

nickownes1 3

Yeah my girlfriend has insomnia. I can tell its a really hard thing to deal with. Just hang in there, and maybe ask your boyfriend to not wake you up.

Sorry to have to do this, it was a great effort. *DocBastard's

mduffy08 8

I used to have insomnia, but I looked further into sleeping techniques. Those techniques help me have frequent lucid dreams, with the occasional sleep paralysis. OP should try a few, there are plenty online.

SenselessPattern 12

If nickownes1 is going to keep rushing to top comment, I'm going to need to explain a few things when people comment about his profile pic and get thumbed down from lack of understanding by everyone else: His profile pic is a clear case of "DocBastard's bitch" syndrome, and people don't know when his pic is being commented on because so far, nobody has put the simple phrase "Nickownes1 pic is..." etc. when they try to make fun of his picture. Hopefully, this helped clear things up. 17# is the example I'm using, but the FML before had this problem too.

#51, You're advocating sleep paralysis over insomnia?! No. Just, no.

SenselessPattern 12

#51 Not trying to fill up the comments section, but sleep paralysis is akin to a real-life experience of Slender, where you can't move anything except your eyes and you sometimes sense a imaginary but often terrifying presence just out of sight. Definitely not something that should be worked towards having happen to yourself.

Tell him it's the one you're going to pour over his head.

Then his reaction would be your profile pic.

coolboy675 16

Threaten to cut his balls off when he doesn't expect it, that should give him a taste of insomnia. But why doesn't your boyfriend know you have insomnia?

StaceyMichelle 5

He probably knows, he was just being an ass.

Maybe she is a real bitch when it comes to soda...

Exactly so she should forgive him right then and there.

cheshireau 26

Kick him out for a few days while you rest. I'm sure his parents can look after him for the time being. Either that or put up a do not disturb sign and have him sleep else where.

If he wakes you up again, shove a carrot up his nose.

Well... there's one I haven't heard before...

You should lock the door next time! OR lable the soda in the fridge even though I don't get how it matters whose soda it is since you guys ARE dating.

You kiss, I think it's okay to share drinks.

dino_cookie4 7

Me personally ( if i was him ) would of let you sleep and just grab a new one.

You must be getting thumbed down due to your grammar because your suggestion isn't terrible. "If I was your boyfriend, i would've let you sleep and just grabbed a new soda."

Man, that bites! I have severe insomnia so I feel your pain. If he ever does that again, bitch slap him. Hope you get some sleep :c