I don't get paid enough for this shit

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was yelled at by a customer because we didn't have any ketchup packets. I work in a coffee shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 425
You deserved it 2 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments


lizard399 0

Ironic, I get yelled at for not having coffee...

JinxosGirl87 0

How dare you not have ketchup for the food he snuck into your coffee shop!!

Hey #14 Sooooo... Those sandwiches must be very sad to be mourning sandwiches eh?

and to think that people think I'm crazy for eating chicken with ketchup...

You have to admit, this would probably be worse if you worked at Home Depot.

samikitty961 8

im guessing that the OP works at cafe or one of those places that sells coffee and pastries, but technically a coffee shop could be like a small restraunt that sells sandwiches and whatnot. js.

technochik3 12
perdix 29

How the hell are customers supposed to make tomato soup? Coffee shops will often give customers free hot water. Add ketchup to that and you get a tomato soup that makes you look like a paying customer who should be taking up space and using the free Wi-Fi.

Oh god, that happened to me too. Except it was salt, not ketchup.