I don't get paid enough for this shit

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was yelled at by a customer because we didn't have any ketchup packets. I work in a coffee shop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 425
You deserved it 2 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments



flockz 19

(debates whether or not to state the obvious that coffee shops have no need for ketchup on the risk that commenter was possibly being sarcastic and therefore looking like a dumbass instead) (decides to ********** instead and cry self to sleep on the thought of what humanity is coming to)

People are absolutely incredibly stupid. I work in customer service too and a lot of the things I have to deal with make me wonder how, as a species, we've survived this long.

omgcookeys 15

Well you can't have coffee without ketchup!!

leadman1989 15

I just ate and the thought of this is making me want to throw up... Was it a pregnant lady? They've given us some strange but good combinations who knows? Be brave try it. ;p

ikickgingers 15

My sister in law liked doritos and cottage cheese for dip when she was pregnant :/

Cottage cheese already makes me think of throw up and this didn't help at all. D:

I work in a coffee shop and I have ketchup packets but I sell sandwiches too.

mrbendystraw 0

How's that art history degree working out for ya?

Guess there are those that really want ketchup with everything... and that everything includes ketchup.

bruinsgal18 0

Don't ever underestimate the allure of the KETCHUP LATTE!!!

Mmm, coffee. And catsup...I eat/drink/other it everyday