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I'm an excellent driver

By Ashley Nichole Hinton - 12/05/2020 02:00

Today, my husband ran our car into a fence at work. He had to file an insurance claim, with a company we only just got with, and it's going to deplete the rest of our taxes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 421
You deserved it 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tounces7 27

How is an insurance claim going to deplete the rest of your taxes? Isn't that the point of having insurance?

Maybe they have this thing called a deductible. Some can be really high like 1,000$


2deployments1divorce 11

oH No wÜt coUnty do YoU LiVE thAt iT's a MAjOr fINACial burDen tOO hAvE an AUTOMOBILE AcCiDeNt?

EmDizzle2007 28

you could have not done any of that.

tounces7 27

How is an insurance claim going to deplete the rest of your taxes? Isn't that the point of having insurance?

Maybe they have a deductible. Some can be awful expensive

PoisonMonkey 3

it's called a "deductible".

tounces7 27

Liability doesn't have a deductible though, that's only for covering your own vehicle. And how much damage could he manage to do to his car with just a fence, that it would require immediate repair?

Depends on the car. In my state, if you so much as scratch a Tesla, you're looking at a surcharge on your license. There are so few body shops autho'd to work on them that the wait time is forever and expensive as hell. Gawd fuh-bid it's someone else's Tesla, because while their car is in the shop, your insurance is likely paying for their rental (driving up your claim) while the car just sits in the shop, waiting

I don't understand this. How does claiming on your car insurance affect your taxes?

Maybe they have this thing called a deductible. Some can be really high like 1,000$

PoisonMonkey 3

For those not understanding how this will use up the rest of their tax refund, it's called a "Deductible" Those who have never dealt with a deductible are apparently still on mommy and daddies insurance. Those of us with our own insurance policies cannot always afford getting a policy with a $0 deductible. They might have a $500 or $1,000 deductible meaning they have to pay the first $500 or $1,000 of the total repair bill before the insurance pays the rest.

tounces7 27

Yeah no I'm 41. Deductibles aren't applicable to liability.

PoisonMonkey 3

liability only covers damage caused to another's property. if they wanted or needed their car fixed, they'd have to pay the deductible. We dont know the type of fence or the amount of damage caused.

I'm not a child, I'm just not American! I didn't understand what was meant by "taxes" (since to me they are what you pay to the government and have nothing to do with insurance) but I assume from other comments it is a tax refund. Also, we don't have deductibles. We have excess, but it looks like it is the same thing.

Ever heard of a deductible? Oops I meant to comment on one of the other comments sry everyone

sarahcroy20 12

What??? I don't understand. What does your insurance company have to do with your taxes?