By Jaybird1587 - 03/08/2009 12:43 - United States

Today, I was just about to get in the shower, when I heard a loud crunch. I thought to myself, boy the neighbours next door must be doing some heavy construction. Two seconds after that thought, my brother knocked on the door to inform me that the neighbours tree had just fallen on my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 010
You deserved it 2 499

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mvibes 0

Man that SUCKS....They at least offered to help pay damages right? Hopefully you got insurance

Could be worse, my neighbours tree fell on his house, It was an “act of god” and his insurance refused to pay for it.


Mvibes 0

Man that SUCKS....They at least offered to help pay damages right? Hopefully you got insurance

ScottyDoesntKnow_fml 0
Hunthas 17

umm if it's the neigbours tree, their insurance will cover it.. retards

thecrazed7 0

I hate you #2. People who write stuff like that should go in a hole and die.

BabaBlackShirt 0


thecrazed7 0

Yeah, dont. I just ate cereal :D

YDI for polluting the environment and having a car. the environment was probably trying to say something to you by smashing you car with a tree. the fact that your car was hit by a TREE is definitely a sign that you should get off your lazy BUM and start walking, you fatty. Also, please stop polluting our environment

Nikkitaria 9

That sucks, better that ur bro told u then finding it out yourself. FYL

Thecrazed7, mostly everyone has a car. This was horrible luck! Do you have insurance? FYL

Could be worse, my neighbours tree fell on his house, It was an “act of god” and his insurance refused to pay for it.

@#6 seriously? What insurance company were they using? One endorsed by the local church? "Act of God"...what a load of bullshit. @OP Ouch. Hope your insurance pays/paid for it. FYL

SilverXeno 0

Either your friend is a total idiot, or was lying...cuz every insurance company I can think of has a clause for "natural" disaster, including what USED to be called an "act of God" (the verbage is now changed for PC reasons). On the other hand...the only way a car is covered is if it carries comp. Hope you've got a low deductible, OP!

Yes you turd, we should all move away where they're arent any trees. Kill yourself!

MartyFuffkin 0