I'm not going out there

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - York

Today, a family of geese nested outside my halls of residence. They have started attacking everyone who tries to get in or out of the building. I'm basically being placed under house arrest by birds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 342
You deserved it 4 099

Top comments

\ 28

I would make an Angry Birds joke here, but that's too tired. Set up a pigsty or something.


\ 28

I would make an Angry Birds joke here, but that's too tired. Set up a pigsty or something.

HowAreYouToday 34

OP should climb out the window and not participate in the blatant Apple propaganda going on

Funny how people make fun of them. Revenge of poultry!

\ 28

The most pragmatic approach that can be salvaged from all this lunacy is to buy an air horn. Good luck, OP.

That was my first thought too 69. Get an air horn then go outside, stick your arm around the corner while using it full blast, then run!!!

GoodLookingGeese 10

Geese rule here in this neighborhood!!!!

This reminds me of that old film "The Birds" RIP OP

And I heard a song in my head say it don't matter when it's always a good time.

AboveAll04 14

just throw rice on the ground and then watch them explode

This is just as much an urban legend as Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and perdix being married.

Roskosity 22

Hmm, they might make better guard dogs than actual dogs. HEY MITZY! You've been replaced!

Wizardo 33

Jump out your window and wing it...

Just give those geese a camera. They'll be too busy flooding my FB with "duck face" pics....


If they were ducks or teenage girls, yes. But they're geese.

mmizbbz210 13

You could win $10,000 if got some people on video :)

Throw them some alka-seltzer tablets, problem solved.

challan 19

Call your local game warden.