I need it
By Anonymous - 31/08/2020 06:55 - United Kingdom

By Anonymous - 31/08/2020 06:55 - United Kingdom
By snoozes - 16/11/2021 11:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/07/2022 22:00
By NeedToGetLaid - 01/03/2023 15:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 24/02/2020 18:00
By Anonymous - 20/06/2021 02:01
By Anonymous - 19/12/2021 02:01
By Anonymous - 11/06/2024 14:00 - United States - Lynbrook
By Anonymous - 19/01/2023 22:00
By Undersexed - 14/09/2016 22:01 - United States - Washington
By cockblockedbyFB - 06/06/2015 13:01 - United States - San Antonio
Maybe you can "pencil in" a side piece into your calendar. Mid-September is almost here. Do your Kegels!
One or both of you needs to cut down on your schedule, or your abstinence streaks or just going to continue.
This seems like an avoidable problem
Don't want to be pessimistic but your husband might have a double life.
I'm sorry, but YDI. That's a choice the both of you made. Maybe you shouldn't devote your every living minute to your career and actually start living instead.
You both need to rein it in, or the lack of sex won't be the only problem in your relationship. You don't have to quit your jobs, but you could cut down on your hours, or even see if there's a possibility of you both going on sabbatical or an extended vacation. No job is worth the negative effects your mental and physical health can suffer.
This seems like an avoidable problem
Even on weekends? You both gotta cut down work hours, that is not healthy.