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Impressive double dating strategy

By NotMisspiggy - 19/01/2022 17:00

Today, I had a blind date. When I went to meet him, he shouted to my friend, “What the fuck dude? You didn’t tell me I’d be on a date with Miss Piggy! Fuck this shit!” and then stormed off. I haven’t had a date in 6 years and I bought the best outfit and got my hair done to make an impression. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 884
You deserved it 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fluffnut 8

Eww, you dodged a bullet not having to deal with such an ass. Lots of people don’t recognize a beauty when they see it because they’re very stupid.

Miss Piggy was always impeccably dressed and well put together. Even then, she was still a piggy. I'm sorry your date was so rudely blunt about his lack of attraction to you. While it stung, it is a blessing to be rid of him before you wasted any more time on him.


Miss Piggy was always impeccably dressed and well put together. Even then, she was still a piggy. I'm sorry your date was so rudely blunt about his lack of attraction to you. While it stung, it is a blessing to be rid of him before you wasted any more time on him.

I wonder what the down votes are for. I mean would people prefer he lie and string her along?

fluffnut 8

Eww, you dodged a bullet not having to deal with such an ass. Lots of people don’t recognize a beauty when they see it because they’re very stupid.

Don't bully people into trying to pretend to be attracted to those they are not. The guy handled his disappointment as badly as possible, but at least his opinion was obvious.

While said date was rude and and a jerk, it points up that it’s best to be honest in your description either of yourself or by others. When people walk into a situation that’s not what they were expecting then it’s really unlikely that it’s going to end well. A less rude and inconsiderate person might go through the minimum and then never be heard from again, but either way the ending is the same - Just without the insults to your face. Work with what you have - If you have an attractive face and body that’s nice. If you have a pleasant and charming personality that’s nice. If you are smart and witty that’s nice. If you have none of those you either need to go on a self-improvement plan or lower your dating expectations. Remember that men are under the same pressures - Most women want someone who’s tall and in good physical, mental, and emotional shape who has a good job. Take a second look at someone who may be a good dating prospect but may not meet all the requirements for Miss America to consider dating him.

He's a jerk, don't listen to him. At least you never have to see that manchild ever again.

bobsanction 18