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By Anonymous - 03/07/2011 16:21 - United States

Today, my boss fired me for dating a co-worker. There's no policy forbidding it; he just thought it was unfair that I could get with the "hottest girl who works here" but he can't. I live in an at-will employment state. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 660
You deserved it 3 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalmaggs 0

damn, at least you got the girl.

heartbrakej 0


thatdesertdude 7

can't sue in at-will states, you can be fired without any good reason.

changetheworld 0

you can get fired for no damn reasonn.

changetheworld 0

you can get fired for no damn reasonn.

KingGeorgeGal 12

Your boss is a jealous dick, enough said.

at will employment state are the key words

redneck0328 5

that's what sucks Bout north carolina I can get fired cuz my boss doesn't like my hat. he can easily say take it off but if he wants he can fire me. bullshit I tell you

that's why I'm in a trade union to stop treatment like that

"At will" means they can fire you for no reason, or absurd reasons, but not for being part of a protected class. While OP doesn't fall into that category, they both probably have a reasonable case for harassment. A women you employ won't **** you, so you fire her boyfriend? That's a hostile environment.

felah17 6

What's the difference between "At will state, and a "Right to work state??

yea, you have a good case for sexual harassment, if that fails, burn the place down

ppatty 0

beat the shit outa him lol

TheRealBruce 12
Decodedman 1

At will = you can be fired for any reason that is not in violation of the state's labor law Right to work = you can't be required to be in a union to work. Both are measures that give companies more power, reduce protections of workers, under "empowering" sounding titles.

i would send you a message if i knew how, teach me(:

At will yes ask any HR manager they will disagree.

Where you can get fired for no damn good reason

musicalmaggs 0

damn, at least you got the girl.

LilSideTwerk 0

now I ain't sayin she a gold Digga! (kanyes voice)

Boss had a job but lost the girl, OP got the girl but lost the job. Oh the irony I guess you just can't have everything afterall.

actually jamie foxx sings the high part at the start and that line isn't in the high part...

meggs2209 0

sorry. some people are just douches.

maiimpressivetit 0

what an ass. you still got the girl.?

Jealousy's the ugliest trait. /: *bbm not interested face.*

Mau5Trap 0

LOL, I was wondering where I heard it! Thanks. (;

heartbrakej 0

very nice. "oh, it's a gift." |the kid|

ifailplzinsultme 0

Want revenge? Do her in his office!

gabe2014 0

no if he wants revenge he should bring her lunch and then make out a little >:)

OP-"Hey boss can I borrow your key to your office?" Boss-"Why?" OP-"Ah just wanna see something." Boss-"Ok." OP-"And unless you want an awkard moment don't walk in until 45 minutes later." Boss-"45 minutes?" OP-"Yeah I last pretty long." Boss-"What!?" OP-"Nothing!"

ifailplzinsultme 0
b_rowe55 0
ifailplzinsultme 0

Excuse my error. But I honestly don't care if I used the wrong your/you're.

ifailplzinsultme 0

46- If that was directed at me then well you're right. I'M A HAMMER! Two can play at the all caps game.

zachattack112492 4

your the tool used in that awesome video 3 guys 1 hammer?!?!

MidnightBlossom 2

Dude....highly uncalled for.

GuidoCheese 0

You get the title of being "stud" sir.

Go have sex with her, and revel in the fact that your boss won't be doing that with her.

The boss can't have her if she's pregnant!