Introverts unite!

By Jen - 20/10/2016 16:32

Today, I had to call a customer. I usually try to avoid calling customers because I have a very prominent speech impediment. Well, it turns out the customer I called also has a speech impediment and thought I was mocking her. She hung up on me and filed a formal complaint with my company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 813
You deserved it 639

Same thing different taste

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Well I'm sure if it goes any further your company will know that your speech impediment is real and that you weren't mocking the customer. Hope everything works out!


Say she was the one mocking you. She can't prove otherwise.

dbt88 15

So you talked first (besides "hello") on this would you even know this lady had a speech impediment before yours actually came out? Some people.

"Hi thith ith john fwom walmawt, i just rethieved yur voyce message and was cawling to halp yuh out" "Fakh yuh muda bic, why yu tawlk like meehh" " im sowwy mam, i am nut mucking yuh i pwomise" "Oh stoop it asshoe, ill get i fiyud" "Nuuhh pwease mam, im juz az fkd up az yuhhhh"

I have a speech impediment too. At first it was that I could pronounce the sounds for t, h, r, s, l, and q. But not it's been years and I can pronounce all of them except for "r" and I don't think i every will be because of how long I've been trying