Introverts unite!

By Jen - 20/10/2016 16:32

Today, I had to call a customer. I usually try to avoid calling customers because I have a very prominent speech impediment. Well, it turns out the customer I called also has a speech impediment and thought I was mocking her. She hung up on me and filed a formal complaint with my company. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 813
You deserved it 639

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I'm sure if it goes any further your company will know that your speech impediment is real and that you weren't mocking the customer. Hope everything works out!


Well I'm sure if it goes any further your company will know that your speech impediment is real and that you weren't mocking the customer. Hope everything works out!

what are the odds. explain to your manager the situation and hopefully you won't get fired

There's another FML that is almost identical to this one. Wuutt.

No problem, your management already knows you genuinely have the speech impediment. You should worry that those pricks are going to get their jollies mocking you and the customer!

It seems to go both ways with speech impediments, either you're afraid of somebody making fun of you, or you're afraid that somebody else who also happens to have a speech impediment is gonna think you're making fun of them. Other than that, I think she should've tried to get the full story before hanging up and filing a complaint.

If I was that customer, I would have asked her if she was mocking me before just jumping to conclusions. Hopefully the boss understands after OP explains.

Not sure why someone would click YDI on this, it's not something you do/did willingly.

apparently, as of right now, 257 people disagree :/

You think she would have some empathy and understanding for the situation considering she has a speech impediment herself...sorry OP!

Well she clearly didn't know that OP had a speech impediment. So it kinda makes since why she wouldn't show compassion/understanding, ya know?

This is what's wrong with people these days. Everyone automatically assumes everyone else is making fun of them or something instead of giving the benefit of a doubt and asking.

wafflefriez91 17

see everyone who has issues like that think they are the only ones.

hopefully you are close with the mangers and they will know it real also you have it stated on paper so you will be fine