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By suspended - 09/08/2014 00:16 - Australia

Today, while I was working customer support, a lady hung up on me mid-sentence, and I trailed off, saying, "…aaannnddd you hung up on me like a bitch." Turned out she was still on the line and had just accidentally hit mute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 628
You deserved it 41 254

Same thing different taste

Top comments

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

In other news, I heard there's a job opening at a customer support center near you.


InvertedAudio 13

bad luck on your part. probably woulda done the same tbh

is it so hard to say, "hello? are you still there?"

when hundreds of people will hung up on you everyday then I'll ask you about good manners.

26 - doesnt really matter, if your going to start being rude and calling people names (unintentionally, but they were still there, so op didnt waste any time calling names) then you shouldnt be working that job

im not saying that theres anything wrong with venting about customers, but if you cant wait a few seconds then theres something wrong..

omgitsmoe 26

Aaaaaaaaand you ****** up like a bitch

nlm92 15

Agreed. Especially if someone's being annoying on the phone it's common in offices for people to "release their anger" once they're off the line. certain clients can get really ******* annoying and it's ok to be angry at them, so long as it's not to their face or anything like that. Bad luck on your part OP, but I understand the frustration

You know they hung up on you when you hear that annoying, fast paced beeping noise.

In case you missed it 51, the 90's have passed.

I'm taking a shot in the dark here, and assuming that the majority of you guys have never been in customer support. You deal with loud mouth idiots, to smart ass "I know what I'm doing" people, to those who don't know how to set the timer on the DVD player, all... God.... Damn.... Day..... So if you've been in customer service, you know what I'm talking about, and those who don't, count yourself lucky. (Sorry for thread jacking)

InvertedAudio 13

so im guessing everyone that thumbs'd down my comment have never worked with the public. you'll understand of you ever have to. and i didnt mean it as bad manners, i was raised right.

8313girl 28

Yes I have worked customer service in the past and some of those people can be very rude. Like they're entitled to get anything they want. So when I read what OP did, I laughed and thought maybe I'd do the same thing. Thank God I don't work customer service anymore and maybe OP shouldn't either.

RedPillSucks 31

Y'all do know that supervisors sometimes listen in on those conversations. OP could have been fired if the boss overheard

i haven't worked with customers like that but from people I talked to and considering you've lived the experience it's totally understandable to be a little pissy because you deal with some awful people

#29 not sure if you've ever worked a calling job before, I have and it can be bloody hard to not let off some steam like this after a long day of people being pricks. Then again I'm a cold caller haha the most hated of all call jobs and we have to be really polite at all times..

I worked in a call centre at the end of a call from a very abusive customer I looked at my coworker and said "What a c#nt!" Unfortunately they call had not actually ended.

XDsmileyDX_fml 24

In other news, I heard there's a job opening at a customer support center near you.

I understand if you were to do this at home, but come on OP, a certain amount of professionalism is expected at every job. YDI

And that is what you get for jumping to conclusions

And that is what you get for jumping to conclusions And the FML app crash ruined yet another one of my comments

I wonder if he bought one of those "Jump to Conclusions" mats that finally came onto the market...

This should have more thumbs up, love that movie :)

markcallanan_ 20

The username they put in is suspended, so they seem to have gotten off without firing. Although I assume they'll be having their calls monitored very closely for a whole.

markcallanan_ 20

Oh haha sorry didn't see that #14

Just be glad you got suspended rather than fired. Even if she had hung up on you, someone at your workplace could've heard you say it. YDI

Her username would certainly imply it.

InvertedAudio 13

She definitely said "Be glad you've gotten SUSPENDED" as in she already seen the username.

Their comments were for another one. Someone had commented and said about not knowing they were suspended. The persons comment got deleted, leaving the other two looking like douchebags. Not their fault

SauceySarah 30

I don't think it's all that bad. After continuous frustration from customers usually hanging up on OP, she probably lost her cool. It's an honest mistake, but OP should have made sure the customer had actually hung up before she said those things. We all need to vent sometimes!

temmera 16

Yes, we all do tend to get frustrated with our jobs and need to vent sometimes, but we don't do it at work. That's how people end up losing their much needed jobs. OP's lucky she only got suspended. Hopefully, this incident will be a first and last for her.

True we need to vent, but work isn't the place. Calls drop and things happen, but it really isn't good practice to insult customers when it's a possibility that they could hear it.

You don't vent ON THE ******* PHONE. If you thought she hung up, then you hang up the phone and vent to yourself. NOT ON THE ******* PHONE

OP gets PAID to deal with these people, so it's a total YDI. Unprofessional.

blazerman_fml 17

Its not easy to handle dozens of angry clients everyday.I understand your frustration.Then again its your job.You should be more professional than that and a small thing like this shouldn't really agitate you. On the plus side you can take this whole incident as a learning experience and try not to repeat your mistake next time.

annnnnnd..... you shoulda just said, "miss are you still there, hello?" waited about 10-15 seconds and then hung up the phone.