By Karmas3itch - 12/05/2009 04:19 - United States
By Karmas3itch - 12/05/2009 04:19 - United States
By anon - 27/12/2013 07:28 - Canada - Saint John
By mrmr - 07/02/2010 18:32 - United States
By Concussed - 17/01/2010 06:22 - Australia
By noname - 27/12/2008 04:07 - France
By Anonymous - 14/03/2010 20:30 - United States
By callmeclarence - 23/06/2014 05:41 - United States - Valencia
By MAWZ - 19/07/2011 06:33 - United States
By teflon_hammer - 25/05/2016 23:19 - United States - Colorado Springs
By lateralligator - 12/12/2014 16:35 - Canada - Whitchurch-stouffville
By Anonymous - 28/02/2015 03:20 - United States - Auburn
Wtf.? Why the hell would three even BE a colony of ants behind your soap holder? x.0 FYL. Get exterminators.
*Shudder* YLIF and I'll think of that next time i'm in the shower..
FYL indeed. you may have bigger problems than just ants in your walls. Judging by their size and location, I'd say you've got Carpenter Ants. They like to bore into wet, rotting wood to make colonies. What this means for you is that it gets very moist behind your shower. The carpenter ants may have caused serious structural damage, and you may have a potentially lethal mold problem behind your walls as well. If you just generally feel run-down all the time, you may want to look for mold, but you should really have your walls looked at anyway, in case of serious structural damage. Ants, plus possible structural damage as well as possible mold. FYL indeed.
#3: word
#32 because the invasion had begun.
ewwwwwwwwww... D: that sucks... i feel 4 u
would have done exactly the same thing
time to lay off the hallucinants dude.
What the hell??? That does suck!