Irrational response

By Anonymous - 19/09/2024 02:00 - United States

Today, after a horrible day at work, I called my wife on the drive home and asked if she could start the kettle so I could have a cup of tea when I got home. She shrieked, "I'm not your maid!" and hung up on me, then threw hot water in my face when I got home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 366
You deserved it 41

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DIvorce her. If she turns a simple gesture of kindness into a case of powerplay, she's not the one you want to live with.

That's assault and abuse, and you need to leave before it escalates. She also needs therapy.


DIvorce her. If she turns a simple gesture of kindness into a case of powerplay, she's not the one you want to live with.

It could be that she has been watching too many feminist tiktoks, or that you just caught her at the wrong time. However, the fact that she actually made hot water and then waited for you to come home so that she could throw it into your face suggests that this is not just her losing her temper and then calming down.

That's assault and abuse, and you need to leave before it escalates. She also needs therapy.

GoogieWithers 22

brother it’s time to move on.

tiptoppc 19

Yeah, that’s assault. Handle it as such. That’s gonna only be the tip of what she may escalate to, but you might need to see a relationship counselor and possibly an attorney