Time flies, people change

By Anonymous - 19/09/2024 06:00 - United States - Midlothian

Today, I had a dream that I cheated on my boyfriend. With the person he was when we started dating. We’ve been dating for two and a half years and I love him, but he’s so different than when I first met him. Even though he’s technically the same person, I can’t help but feel like I cheated on him with him in my dream. FML
I agree, your life sucks 169
You deserved it 84

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn dude that sucks, do you think there’s a subconscious part of him that misses the old you? Whoever you were, maybe more spontaneous, adventurous, whatever spice you had when you first met is still there, his actions his romanticism was a direct result of what you extracted from his innermost being. Go have fun with your man in ways you used to and explore some new things together go see a show go live hard love hard and get those sparks into flames again!


Damn dude that sucks, do you think there’s a subconscious part of him that misses the old you? Whoever you were, maybe more spontaneous, adventurous, whatever spice you had when you first met is still there, his actions his romanticism was a direct result of what you extracted from his innermost being. Go have fun with your man in ways you used to and explore some new things together go see a show go live hard love hard and get those sparks into flames again!