It's maths

By bastawhiz - 18/09/2009 02:23 - United States

Today, a professor approached me in the hall to ask if, since I'm a math major, I could tutor one of her communications majors in a required Calculus course. Apparently the volunteer tutor the school provides "is a complete dumbass." I'm the school's volunteer tutor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 811
You deserved it 4 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kellster 2

You volunteer tutor?? Dude, get yourself paid for that gig! I used to tutor in university and you can make some decent cash that way! Although, no offense, but it sounds like you're not a very good tutor. So, plan: improve your tutoring, then insist on pay.

bastawhiz, nice to meet you. You're a complete dumb ass.


Sounds like you aren't a very good tout or then

If your majoring in math you're obviously not a dumbass.

Wow. Remember: breath+relax+confonting=great to feel better and get back.