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By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 17:35 - United States

Today, my math TA showed the class how one of her "dumb" students answered a test question. Everyone laughed as she wrote out the students answer, including myself, until I looked down at my answer sheet and saw that I submitted an identical answer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 960
You deserved it 30 011

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Learn to laugh at your stupidity man, otherwise life won't be as much fun! as example, it's not uncommon for me to write the biggest crap on a math test, or drawing smiley faces instead of a calculation because I have noo idea what I have to do

AGGoddess 2

That's really unprofessional. And all of you who are saying YDI don't know how well the OP did on the other questions in the test, and you don't know how hard this person studied for it.



1st!! omg omg omg !! im soo proud of myself :D lmao jkk

I am a prof. If that was my TA, she wouldn't be any more. Never call students stupid, even if they make stupid mistakes. If lots of people made the same mistake, use it as a teaching opportunity to explain why the right answer is correct.

girlygirl666 0

Exactly. I can't imagine my TA doing that.

spiderman0606 0

I can totally imagine my TA doing that, because... he has. Not for one of my answers, though.

I agree. Plus, no one is perfect in every aspect of their life. Heck, the TA might be really bad at something else. How would they feel if someone laughed at them?

CyclonePsycho 1

Oh, don't worry about it. We've all had our fair share of brain-fart moments.

Learn to laugh at your stupidity man, otherwise life won't be as much fun! as example, it's not uncommon for me to write the biggest crap on a math test, or drawing smiley faces instead of a calculation because I have noo idea what I have to do

Is "stupity man" a superhero or something? Yeah, I'd laugh at him too.

I'm not sure how easy it is to laugh along with an entire classroom unknowingly humiliating you.

YayAmerica 0

Wow. What'd you write? I mean, it's MATH. How does anyone get a giggle over the answer to a math question?

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

That sucks, man, I know how you feel because I failed pretty much every math I took in high school. Plus it's really rude for a teacher to call a student dumb, even if she didnt say who she was talking about.

You really expect someone to remember every answer they put down on a 50 - 100 question test? Not to mention that there are other classes that probably have had tests recently, and also homework. Should one remember every answer there too?

Ha ha what a moron... "until... I saw that I submitted an identical answer". It was your answer stupid.

AGGoddess 2

That's really unprofessional. And all of you who are saying YDI don't know how well the OP did on the other questions in the test, and you don't know how hard this person studied for it.