It's true, though

By Anonymous - 18/07/2014 23:06 - United States - Horseheads

Today, my mom told me my relationship is a joke, because teenagers don't understand the meaning of relationships and commitment. I couldn't help but remind her how she's divorced three separate men to date. She hit me over the head so hard that snot flew out of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 903
You deserved it 11 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her. She doesn't know anything about your relationship


Wow, your Mother is a huge hypocrite. It sounds like she's jealous of your happy, loving relationship, so just keep doing what you're doing and ignore her.

sbarua219 17

Umm that's pretty bad for your head. And FYL OP

truth always tastes bitter And ur mom just had it.. don't worry, she will learn it someday

It depends wether you said it earnestly or like a smart mouthed brat

Most people on this app- what? A parent had no right I ever hit their child! Most minorities- I can't remember how many times I got smacked by my parents when I did something stupid and disrespectful. True though

I got disciplined as a kid, and rightfully so. But my parents weren't acting like little teenagers having a tantrum when they did it. And frankly, if OP's mom wants to open that up and she's setting a poor example in that area, maybe she should evaluate why that is

I can't believe that so many people are actually trying to make this about "never disrespecting your parents". If a parent thinks it's acceptable to hit their child, and to discredit something that obviously makes their child happy, then perhaps they ought to work a bit harder to earn the respect that you seem to think they're entitled to.

she shouldn't be violent to her child. but teenagers don' t know. we all think we do when we are teenagers. but wait a few years, and look back. you will laugh that you ever believed this

BradTheBrony 19

Your mom seems to have come down with a serious case of being a ****.

Jealousy is already an ugly thing without having it be from the woman that gave birth to you; FYL OP.