It's true, though

By Anonymous - 18/07/2014 23:06 - United States - Horseheads

Today, my mom told me my relationship is a joke, because teenagers don't understand the meaning of relationships and commitment. I couldn't help but remind her how she's divorced three separate men to date. She hit me over the head so hard that snot flew out of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 903
You deserved it 11 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her. She doesn't know anything about your relationship


Axel5238 29

Most teen age relationships don't last, but parents forget that that age those emotions are very real. Definitely could've been worded better. Though, throwing in the fact she's been divorced several times was a bad idea. Just cause something is technically true, doesn't mean you should throw it in someone's face. Also, there might be things about her divorcing( things that happened) that you aren't aware of. Truth is one thing, but that doesn't give someone the right to be a dick.

While your relationship is not a joke and is probably an important part of your life right now, teenagers DON'T understand the meaning of relationships and commitment. Life is a bit different when you start to have other responsibilities to factor in.

atav 17

Although you are correct YDI for talking back and being rude to your mother.

Tell me about it, I hate when my mum tries to pass comment on my 3 year relationship. Excuse me, you were married to my emotionally abusive father for 25 years and have only had fleeting dysfunctional relationships with other unhappily married people who couldn't escape. I get all the reasoning behind it, her psychology etc, and understand you can learn from divorce, but not enough to pass unprovoked, unnecessary comment on a healthy relationship.

karimm_fml 6

You burned her bad she had to do something

What a horrible mother!!! I hope you are ok

what a bitch. sounds like she deserves to be alone

I can somewhat relate to this! Whenever I mention my boyfriend of 2 years with my mom she always interrupts me & tries to change the subject. Its a little annoying you would think they'd be happy for you..

It's even worse when your parents have an annoying habit believing that one of their children is perpetually 14. If you can, move as far away from that kind of parent as soon as possible. My mother constantly patronizes my happy, 4-year relationship with my boyfriend while she complains to me about her unstable slob of a husband on a daily basis. If money weren't such a hassle, I'd have moved out years ago, but at the end of the day, I know that I'm living with toxic, infectious people. Trust me; if you want to live life with a clean, intact bill of mental health, then leave that house whenever a chance presents itself. You'll thank yourself later.