It's true, though

By Anonymous - 18/07/2014 23:06 - United States - Horseheads

Today, my mom told me my relationship is a joke, because teenagers don't understand the meaning of relationships and commitment. I couldn't help but remind her how she's divorced three separate men to date. She hit me over the head so hard that snot flew out of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 903
You deserved it 11 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her. She doesn't know anything about your relationship


Sarcasam137 5

Go you! She wallked right into that one!

miyaviichan 27

Well forget about her hateful, hypocrite self.

magnetic_aura 26

I'm sorry your mother hit you, OP! There's no way she should have done that. But, you can defend your relationship without bringing up the (certainly painful) failings of your mother's romantic history.

My mom is the same way, been divorced three times, two times was the same man, and they're dating again. She tells me I'm never going to last in my relationship, I've been in one for the past year, her longest marriage was a year and a half.

Yoloz 0

She's the one who deserved it. It's so rude when people dismiss something that means a lot to you (which is your relationship). Just because you're a teenager, doesn't mean that it isn't real.

Yoloz 0

I really feel bad for you here, that's just wrong of her. Hitting you and for what she said.

Beat the **** outta her. Let me remind you that there are always knives in the kitchen and the best place to stab someone is in the liver.

Umm, I think you might want to call Child Support about that, OP.