It's true, though

By Anonymous - 18/07/2014 23:06 - United States - Horseheads

Today, my mom told me my relationship is a joke, because teenagers don't understand the meaning of relationships and commitment. I couldn't help but remind her how she's divorced three separate men to date. She hit me over the head so hard that snot flew out of my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 903
You deserved it 11 263

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her. She doesn't know anything about your relationship


She's got a point. She just didn't tell you that adults suck at love too

No, she didn't have a point. Just because someone is young, that doesn't automatically make their relationship "a joke". I'm 18, I've been with my boyfriend since we were 15, and I know for a fact that my relationship is absolutely fine.

adnanrm18 12

obviously she's jealous that you're happy and she's not!

katebond 16

Sounds like my mother minus the divorces. She picks fights and when you tell her she does the same or something worse you're "a horrible child" etc.

headofmedusa 15

She's a hypocrite. Nonetheless, you should always respect your parents.

Hypocrites aren't owed respect, even if they are your parents.

Ugh, enough with that "you should always respect your parents" bull. Parents aren't exactly doing some big favor by bringing their offspring into the world; in fact, some children are brought into the world based on a parent's selfish whims. I'll restate what everyone else with common sense has said thus far: we earn respect; we are not entitled to it.

Come on op, you know the man she's involved with, and their relationship goes way back. That's right, it's Jackie Chiles. He finds her lewd, lascivious, salacious, and outrageous.