
By Alliente - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend. He won't go on a cruise with me in the gulf of Mexico, because he thinks we will crash into an iceberg like in Titanic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 697
You deserved it 3 944

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gotta prepare for those Mexican icebergs

For the love of God. Sit down tonight with him & Google where the gulf of Mexico is! Then maybe he will have a face palm moment and agree to go with you.


I was gonna say, "Hell, I would too!" but then I re read this and saw it was in Mexico... Your boyfriend either thinks there are icebergs there or is confused where Mexico really is.

Maybe if she points out the proximity to Texas...

YouputwhatWHERE 6

Logic? Out the window (>-_-)>

bstudds 1

Either he's dense enough that he really believes that or he's giving you an idiotic excuse to get out of it. In either scenario OP maybe you should reconsider you're relationship

Maybe he's scared of boats or water and didn't want to tell OP. You never know.

Mexican icebergs huh? Next thing you know, he won't want to go to South Pole because he doesn't want to get attacked by penguins.

Put aside the fact your BF is an idiot. If there are daytime excursions in Mexico do not go. It is not safe there. Tens of thousands of people have died there in recent years at the hands of the drug cartel including tourist.

Usually if you stick with stuff organized by the ship you are ok. There are a lot of people on the docks willing to do it cheaper. Those can be the dangerous ones though usually are not. I stick with cruise excursions for safety and also if something happens they do hold up the ship instead of leaving you on your own. We did a train thing on an island through the ship and got stuck for a few hours. They made sure to get us back to the ship. If the tide was going to cause the ship to have to leave port they had arrangements to get us to the ship offshore.

"like in titanic." does he know the titanic accident was real? Because it sounds like he was referring to the movie.

Ins0mau 20

Well it was real and it was also a movie based on the event. So you could refer to either. I don't see your point.

Why would you want someone that dumb going on a trip with you?

wubbazugg 5

Holy shit. You need a smarter boyfriend.

Gotta give this a YDI...ya didn't know your boyfriend was a dolt before inviting him to cruise the Gulf with you? Were your previous conversations with him more stimulating?